Chapter 9
Commentary: Advancing theory through multilingual literacy
qualitative research
This commentary on Part 2 of Innovative Qualitative Methodologies
in Multilingual Literacy Development Research: Amplifying Voices
from Immigrant, Transnational, and Refugee Communities
focuses upon some of the ways in which qualitative literacy
researchers have begun to rethink the role of theory in their
research methodologies. Insights from the chapters are presented in
light of some of the author’s own work on innovating and theorizing
methods and Applied Linguistics research, focusing on the
affordances and challenges of qualitative methodological approaches
and their contributions to a more equitable and ethical research
Article outline
- Introduction
- Affordances of qualitative approaches
- Rethinking theory and methodology
- Innovations in rethinking theory
- Connected themes between chapters
- Equity in literacy research
- Ethical considerations and challenges
- Looking backward and forward
- Conclusion
This content is being prepared for publication; it may be subject to changes.