Chapter 4
Researching word classes using corpora and POS tagging
Article outline
- 4.1Early learner corpus research: The International Corpus of Learner English
- 4.2Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, tagsets and learner corpora
- 4.2.1Examples of POS tagging
- 4.2.2Understanding different tagsets
- 4.2.3Trialling POS tagging
- 4.2.3Learner errors and tagging errors
- 4.3Researching word classes
- 4.3.1Looking at word classes: Applying a contrastive perspective
- 4.3.2Study 1. An analysis of the pronoun I in two corpora
- 4.3.3Study 2. Pronouns in subject positions and transfer effects
- 4.4How to POS tag a corpus
- 4.4.1Tagging a corpus using TagAnt
- 4.4.2Tagging a corpus using Sketch Engine
- 4.5Summary
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