Chapter 8
Researching direct uses of corpora for language teaching and learning
Article outline
- 8.1What does DDL look like in practice?
- 8.2How has DDL been researched?
- Study 1
- Background to the study
- Aim of the study
- Methodology
- Hands on DDDL group
- Hands off IDDL group
- Control group
- Main findings
- Study 2
- Background to the study
- Aims of the study
- Methodology
- DDDL group
- IDDL group
- Control group
- Pre- and post testing
- Main findings
- Study 3
- Background to the study
- Aims of the study
- Methodology
- DDL group
- Control group
- Pre- and post testing
- Main findings
- 8.3Research into DDL through meta-analysis and meta-studies
- Publication type
- Design type
- Populations
- Proficiency
- Treatment
- How DDL was used in implementation (direct DDL v indirect DDL)
- Objective variables
- 8.4Towards an enhanced research agenda for DDL: Linking with SLA
- 8.4.1DDL and its associative links to constructivism
- 8.4.2DDL and links to sociocultural theory
- 8.4.3DDL and SLA
- 8.5Summary
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