Chapter 7
Methods and approaches in second language research of L2 French
This chapter evaluates methodological inquiries
to L2 acquisition (L2A) of French syntax and approaches used to
carry them out. Over four decades, a range of theoretical approaches
to L2 French syntax have prevailed in North America, Asia and
Europe. For example, the generative or Universal Grammar (UG)
perspective maintains that learning entails elaboration of an L2
grammar determined by universal principles and L1 influence.
Functionalist approaches take a more wholistic perspective in
situating syntax within the sociocultural context, examining both
its interface with pragmatics and its place within the learner’s
interlanguage. Earlier investigations primarily used offline data
from spontaneous and elicited production and comprehension tasks
involving metalinguistic grammaticality judgement. Current research
emphasizes the growing importance of methodology, including
considerations of proficiency level, range of data collection
methods, validity and replicability. Recent articles treating French
syntax range in methodology from sociolinguistic interview to
real-time eye-tracking; furthermore, publishers of this research
encourage authors to make available materials (IRIS database) and to
share in Open Source. This chapter first outlines theoretical
approaches to L2 French syntax; it then critically examines
methodological developments in data collection and analysis, while
pointing to future directions of research, including the link
between L2A research and pedagogy.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Historical background of L2 French syntax methodologies
- Current methodologies examining L2 French syntax
- Discussion and future directions
- Conclusion
- Author queries
This content is being prepared for publication; it may be subject to changes.
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