articles littéraires
Archives numériques et mémoire culturelle aux Caraïbes
De l’homogénéisation à la diversité
The question of cultural memory is particularly complex in the case of the Caribbean due to its fragmented
history, which has led to great cultural diversity. Created within and outside the Caribbean during the last twenty years,
structured online archives have taken up the issue of dispersed memories by taking an inventory of a multiplicity of objects which
testify to the diverse past of Caribbean societies. Taking Glissant’s concept of Relation as a starting point, I analyze in this
article to what extent these archives contribute to the constitution of a cultural memory in terms of contents, structure as well
as possibilities of participation, considering the complexity of historical and social threads woven together within and between
the Caribbean territories. To address this question, I will draw on two online archives specializing in the Caribbean: The
Caribbean Memory Project and the digital library MANIOC.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Mémoire, archive et le Web aux Caraïbes
- 3.Les archives numériques caribéennes comme espaces d’une mémoire diversifiée
- 3.1The Caribbean Memory Project
- 4.Conclusion
- Remarques
Article language: French