Part of
Corpora and Language Teaching
Edited by Karin Aijmer
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics 33] 2009
► pp. 1332
Cited by (83)

Cited by 83 other publications

Ahmed, Abdelhamid M., Xiao Zhang, Lameya M. Rezk & Wajdi Zaghouani
2024. Building an Annotated L1 Arabic/L2 English Bilingual Writer Corpus: The Qatari Corpus of Argumentative Writing (QCAW). Corpus-based Studies across Humanities 1:1  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
André, Virginie, Alex Boulton, Maud Ciekanski & Clara Cousinard
2024. Learning to interact from conversational narratives. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 10:1  pp. 67 ff. DOI logo
Forti, Luciana
2024. Proficiency-rated learner corpora. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 10:1  pp. 216 ff. DOI logo
Götz, Sandra & Sylviane Granger
2024. Learner corpus research for pedagogical purposes. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 10:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bodard, Johana, Celine Jost, Gerard Uzan & Isis Truck
2023. Spelling errors made by people with dyslexia. Language Resources and Evaluation 57:1  pp. 293 ff. DOI logo
Granger, Sylviane & Marie-Aude Lefer
2023. Learner translation corpora. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 9:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Rivard, Léonard P. & Ndeye R. Gueye
2023. Syntactic complexity and connector use in the summary writing of L1 and L2 Canadian students. Journal of French Language Studies 33:2  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo
Sakoda, Kumiko & Satomi Kawaguchi
2023. Chapter 6. Japanese L2 corpora and SLA research. In Processability and Language Acquisition in the Asia-Pacific Region [Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 9],  pp. 144 ff. DOI logo
Schoffen, Juliana & Luiza Divino
2023. Contribuição da Linguística de Corpus para a formação de professores de PLA. Letras de Hoje 58:1  pp. e44904 ff. DOI logo
Curry, Niall
2022. On Corpus-Based Contrastive Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: Reimagining Applications for Contemporary English Language Teaching. In English Language Teaching [English Language Teaching: Theory, Research and Pedagogy, ],  pp. 239 ff. DOI logo
Mukhamadiarova, A. F.
2022. Creation of a mobile dictionary in German (based on corpus technologies and the Glide app). Informatics and education 37:3  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Núñez Nogueroles, Eugenia Esperanza & Raúl Ruiz-Cecilia
2022. La interferencia de la L1 inglés en la producción escrita de ELE: estudio basado en un corpus informatizado de aprendices. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura 34  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Pham, Quy Huynh Phu
2022. A Corpus-Based Approach to Grammar Instruction in IELTS Writing Classes. RELC Journal 53:3  pp. 723 ff. DOI logo
Samoudi, Negin & Sima Modirkhamene
2022. Concordancing in writing pedagogy and CAF measures of writing. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:3  pp. 699 ff. DOI logo
Winter, Tatjana & Elen Le Foll
2022. Testing the pedagogical norm. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 8:1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Hasselgård, Hilde
2021. Attribution in novice academic writing. English Text Construction 14:2  pp. 203 ff. DOI logo
Norak, Kaisa & Hans Põldoja
2021. Designing a Virtual Learning Environment Based on a Learner Language Corpus. In Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2021 [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13103],  pp. 40 ff. DOI logo
Rahal, Aicha
2021. The Major Developments of Learner Language From Second Language Acquisition to Learner Corpus Research. In Redefining the Role of Language in a Globalized World [Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies, ],  pp. 184 ff. DOI logo
2021. Discourse Markers in Learner Speech: A Corpus Based Comparative Study. Dil Eğitimi ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 7:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle
2020. Learner Corpora. In A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics,  pp. 283 ff. DOI logo
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle
2022. One norm to rule them all? Corpus-derived norms in learner corpus research and foreign language teaching. Language Teaching 55:1  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle
2022. Cognitive corpus linguistics and pedagogy. Pedagogical Linguistics 3:2  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Navarro Gil, Noelia & Helena Roquet Pugès
2020. Linking or delinking of ideas?. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 33:2  pp. 505 ff. DOI logo
Schweinberger, Martin
2020. How Learner Corpus Research can inform language learning and teaching. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 43:2  pp. 196 ff. DOI logo
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole, Amanda Huensch & Rosamond Mitchell
2020. Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of L2 Lexical Diversity: The Contribution of a Longitudinal Learner Corpus. In Learner Corpus Research Meets Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 148 ff. DOI logo
Callies, Marcus
2019. Integrating corpus literacy into language teacher education. In Learner Corpora and Language Teaching [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 92],  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Callies, Marcus
2019. Integrating corpus literacy into language teacher education. In Learner Corpora and Language Teaching [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 92],  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Esimaje, Alexandra U.
Götz, Sandra & Joybrato Mukherjee
2019. Introduction. In Learner Corpora and Language Teaching [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 92],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lozano, Cristóbal & Ana Díaz-Negrillo
2019. Using learner corpus methods in L2 acquisition research. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 32:1  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
Lu, Hui-Chuan, An Chung Cheng & Shen Yun Hung
2019. Corpus-based study of L3 acquisition on Spanish past tense: evidence from learners’ oral production. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 14:1  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
McEnery, Tony, Vaclav Brezina, Dana Gablasova & Jayanti Banerjee
2019. Corpus Linguistics, Learner Corpora, and SLA: Employing Technology to Analyze Language Use. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 39  pp. 74 ff. DOI logo
Vasheghani Farahani, Mehrdad & Vahid Pahlevansadegh
2019. Teaching metadiscourse features and IELTS writing performance of Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 11:3  pp. 538 ff. DOI logo
Vetchinnikova, Svetlana
2019. Phraseology and the Advanced Language Learner, DOI logo
Volodina, Elena, Lena Granstedt, Arild Matsson, Beáta Megyesi, Ildikó Pilán, Julia Prentice, Dan Rosén, Lisa Rudebeck, Carl-Johan Schenström, Gunlög Sundberg & Mats Wirén
2019. The SweLL Language Learner Corpus. Northern European Journal of Language Technology 6  pp. 67 ff. DOI logo
Chen, Meilin & John Flowerdew
2018. A critical review of research and practice in data-driven learning (DDL) in the academic writing classroom. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 23:3  pp. 335 ff. DOI logo
Durand, Sally
2018. Embracing Computer Corpora in the Language Learning Classroom and Using It in Your Classroom. In Applications of CALL Theory in ESL and EFL Environments [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Díez-Bedmar, María Belén
2018. Fine-tuning descriptors for CEFR B1 level: insights from learner corpora. ELT Journal 72:2  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Kouwenhoven, Huib, Mirjam Ernestus & Margot van Mulken
2018. Register variation by Spanish users of English: The Nijmegen Corpus of Spanish English. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 14:1  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
Kwon, Monica H., R. Scott Partridge & Shelley Staples
2018. Building a local learner corpus. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 4:1  pp. 112 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Shaoqun, Liang Li, Ian Witten & Alex Yu
2018. A Systematic Review of Using Discipline-Specific Corpora for Lexico-Grammatical Pattern Learning. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 8:1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Yeh, Meng & Xian Zhang
2018. Corpus-based instruction. Chinese as a Second Language (漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報). The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA 53:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Anderson, Wendy & John Corbett
2017. Issues in the Use of Corpora in Teaching and Research. In Exploring English with Online Corpora,  pp. 188 ff. DOI logo
Barker, Fiona
2017. Marcus Callies and Sandra Götz (Eds.), Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 3:1  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Curry, Niall & Angela Chambers
2017. Questions in English and French Research Articles in Linguistics: A Corpus-Based Contrastive Analysis. Corpus Pragmatics 1:4  pp. 327 ff. DOI logo
Egbert, Jesse
2017. Corpus linguistics and language testing: Navigating uncharted waters. Language Testing 34:4  pp. 555 ff. DOI logo
Gablasova, Dana, Vaclav Brezina & Tony McEnery
2017. Exploring Learner Language Through Corpora: Comparing and Interpreting Corpus Frequency Information. Language Learning 67:S1  pp. 130 ff. DOI logo
Gráf, Tomáš
2017. Verb Errors in Advanced Spoken English. AUC PHILOLOGICA 2017:1  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
2017. Multilingual native language identification. Natural Language Engineering 23:2  pp. 163 ff. DOI logo
Paquot, Magali & Luke Plonsky
2017. Quantitative research methods and study quality in learner corpus research. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 3:1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Alonso-Ramos, Margarita
2016. Spanish learner corpus research. In Spanish Learner Corpus Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 78],  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Buyse, Kris, Lydia Fernández Pereda & Katrien Verveckken
Koike, Dale & Jennifer Witte
2016. Spanish Corpus Proficiency Level Training Website and Corpus. In Spanish Learner Corpus Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 78],  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Lozano, Cristóbal
2016. Pragmatic principles in anaphora resolution at the syntax-discourse interface. In Spanish Learner Corpus Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 78],  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Lozano, Cristóbal
2022. CEDEL2: Design, compilation and web interface of an online corpus for L2 Spanish acquisition research. Second Language Research 38:4  pp. 965 ff. DOI logo
Skorczynska, Hanna, Milagros del Saz Rubio & María Luisa Carrió-Pastor
2016. Second Language Teaching and Technology. An Overview. In Technology Implementation in Second Language Teaching and Translation Studies [New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole, Rosamond Mitchell & Kevin McManus
2016. The LANGSNAP longitudinal learner corpus. In Spanish Learner Corpus Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 78],  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Akutsu, Sumie & Tim Marchand
2015. Computer-Mediated Communication for Course Delivery and Teaching Materials Development. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 5:3  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Castello, Erik
2015. Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy,  pp. 114 ff. DOI logo
Chai, Neng, Anchalee Wannaruk & Andrew Lian
2015. A Corpus-based Study on Chinese EFL Learners’ Use of Transitive Constructions with Neutral Participants. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 5:9  pp. 1778 ff. DOI logo
Krummes, Cedric & Astrid Ensslin
2015. Formulaic language and collocations in German essays: from corpus-driven data to corpus-based materials. The Language Learning Journal 43:1  pp. 110 ff. DOI logo
Marchand, Tim & Sumie Akutsu
2015. First steps in assigning proficiency to texts in a learner corpus of computer-mediated communication. In Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 70],  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole & Florence Myles
2015. The importance of task variability in the design of learner corpora for SLA research. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 1:1  pp. 58 ff. DOI logo
Campillos Llanos, Leonardo
2014. A Spanish learner oral corpus for computer-aided error analysis. Corpora 9:2  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Campillos Llanos, Leonardo
2016. PoS-tagging a Spanish oral learner corpus. In Spanish Learner Corpus Research [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 78],  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Cotos, Elena
2014. Enhancing writing pedagogy with learner corpus data. ReCALL 26:2  pp. 202 ff. DOI logo
Kheirzadeh, Shiela & Seyyedeh Susan Marandi
2014. Concordancing as a Tool in Learning Collocations: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 98  pp. 940 ff. DOI logo
Montero Perez, Maribel, Hans Paulussen, Lieve Macken & Piet Desmet
2014. From input to output: the potential of parallel corpora for CALL. Language Resources and Evaluation 48:1  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Bailini, Sonia
2013. SCIL: A Spanish Corpus of Italian Learners. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 95  pp. 542 ff. DOI logo
2013. Capturing the Dynamics of Second Language Development via Learner Corpus Research: A Very Long Engagement. The Modern Language Journal 97:S1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Liu, Song, Peng Liu & Yoshiyori Urano
2013. A Study of Composition/Correction System with Corpus Retrieval Function. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies 11:3  pp. 58 ff. DOI logo
Mendikoetxea, Amaya
2013. Corpus‐Based Research in Second Language Spanish1. In The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
2013. Tracking Learners' Progress: Adopting a Dual ‘Corpus cum Experimental Data’ Approach. The Modern Language Journal 97:S1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
2013. Specific Syntactic Complexity: Developmental Profiling of Individuals Based on an Annotated Learner Corpus. The Modern Language Journal 97:S1  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
2013. Second Language Learners' Contiguous and Discontiguous Multi‐Word Unit Use Over Time. The Modern Language Journal 97:S1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Charles, Maggie
2012. English for Academic Purposes. In The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes,  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Jarvis, Scott
2012. Lexical Challenges in the Intersection of Applied Linguistics and ANLP. In Cross-Disciplinary Advances in Applied Natural Language Processing,  pp. 50 ff. DOI logo
Granger, Sylviane
2011. How to use Foreign and Second Language Learner Corpora. In Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 5 ff. DOI logo
Granger, Sylviane
2012. Learner Corpora. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Granger, Sylviane
2015. Contrastive interlanguage analysis. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 1:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Granger, Sylviane
2019. Learner Corpora. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Römer, Ute
2011. Corpus Research Applications in Second Language Teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 31  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo

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