Corpus Linguistics at Work
The book offers a combined discussion of the main theoretical, methodological and application issues related to corpus work. Thus, starting from the definition of what is a corpus and why reading a corpus calls for a different methodology from reading a text, the underlying assumptions behind corpus work are discussed.
The two main approaches to corpus work are discussed as the “corpus-based” and the “corpus-driven” approach and the theoretical positions underlying them explored in detail. The book adopts and exemplifies the parameters of the corpus-driven approach and posits a new unit of linguistic description defined systematically in the light of corpus evidence. The applications where the corpus-driven approach is exemplified are language teaching and contrastive linguistics. Alternating between practical examples and theoretical evaluation, the reader is led step-by-step to a detailed understanding of the issues involved in corpus work and, at the same time, tempted to explore for himself some of the major applications where a corpus-driven methodology can reveal unprecedented insights into linguistic patterning.
The two main approaches to corpus work are discussed as the “corpus-based” and the “corpus-driven” approach and the theoretical positions underlying them explored in detail. The book adopts and exemplifies the parameters of the corpus-driven approach and posits a new unit of linguistic description defined systematically in the light of corpus evidence. The applications where the corpus-driven approach is exemplified are language teaching and contrastive linguistics. Alternating between practical examples and theoretical evaluation, the reader is led step-by-step to a detailed understanding of the issues involved in corpus work and, at the same time, tempted to explore for himself some of the major applications where a corpus-driven methodology can reveal unprecedented insights into linguistic patterning.
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 6] 2001. xii, 224 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 8 April 2011
Published online on 8 April 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements | p. xi
1. Introduction | p. 1
2. Language teaching | p. 14
3. Corpus issues | p. 47
4. The Corpus-based approach | p. 65
5. The corpus-driven approach | p. 84
6. Item and environment | p. 101
7. Working with corpora across languages | p. 131
8. The contextual theory of meaning | p. 157
9. Historical landmarks in meaning | p. 165
10. Conclusion | p. 177
Appendix 1 | p. 203
Appendix 2 | p. 205
Appendix 3 | p. 206
Appendix 4 | p. 207
Appendix 5 | p. 209
Appendix 6 | p. 211
Appendix 7 | p. 213
Appendix 8 | p. 215
Appendix 9 | p. 217
Index | p. 219
“Readers of this journal (Literary and Linguistic Computing) will appreciate Tognini-Bonelli's examination of both the corpus-based and corpus-driven approaches to the practice of corpus linguistics, her excellent demonstration of how concordances can be further expected in terms of a full commitment to the data, and her exposition of a theory of meaning that is believed to be very much correlated with textual form. The various theoretical assumptions that the volume details pretty much cover the current practice of corpus linguistics and should be borne in mind whenever the computer is used in the analysis of corpus data. Corpus Linguistics at Work is therefore a timely and valuable contribution to the discipline of corpus linguistics.
Vincent B.Y. Ooi, National University of Singapore in Literary and Linguistic Computing Vol. 17:2, 2002
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Chandra, Yanto
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Goutsos, Dionysis
2017. A corpus-based approach to functional markers in Greek. In Pragmatic markers, Discourse Markers and Modal Particles [Studies in Language Companion Series, 186], ► pp. 125 ff. 
Hatier, Sylvain & Rui Yan
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Jiménez Palmero, Diego & Alfredo Jiménez Palmero
2017. La alternancia de código como variable estratégica de decisiones económicas en la industria musical. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 30:1 ► pp. 1 ff. 
Jurko, Primož
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2017. Barczewska, Shala, Conceptualizing Evolution Education. A Corpus-Based Analysis of US Press Discourse. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 400 pp., ISBN-13: 978-1-4438-4314-0, ISBN-10: 1-4438-4314-8. Hardback £74.99.. Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies :17(2) ► pp. 91 ff. 
Kopytowska, Monika & Łukasz Grabowski
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Mahlberg, Michaela, Peter Stockwell, Johan de Joode, Catherine Smith & Matthew Brook O'Donnell
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2015. Repetition in John Irving’s novelA Widow for One Year. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20:3 ► pp. 355 ff. 
Baena-Sánchez, Francisco, Carlota Fernández-Travieso, Carmen Espejo-Cala & Javier Díaz-Noci
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2014. Diachronic semantics of the modal verb -sóból- in Luganda. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 19:1 ► pp. 60 ff. 
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Partington, Alan
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Schumacher, Pol, Mirjam Minor & Erik Schulte-Zurhausen
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Wang, Jessie Yi-jia
Almela, Moisés, Pascual Cantos & Aquilino Sánchez
Alqadoumi, Omar Mohamed
Angermüller, Johannes & Ronny Scholz
Becker, Martin
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Carrió-Pastor, María Luisa & Rut Muñiz-Calderón
Jucker, Andreas H.
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Kutter, Amelie
Liu, Chao Peng
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Mendikoetxea, Amaya
Rebechi, Rozane Rodrigues
Scharloth, Joachim, David Eugster & Noah Bubenhofer
Schumacher, Pol, Mirjam Minor & Eric Schulte-Zurhausen
Vessey, Rachelle
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Vyatkina, Nina
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Forchini, Pierfranca
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Furuta, Yae
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Lise Laursen, Anne & Ismael Arinas Pellón
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Miangah, Tayebeh Mosavi
Pérez-Paredes, Pascual, María Sánchez-Tornel, Jose María Alcaraz Calero & Pilar Aguado Jiménez
Usoniene, Aurelija, Linas Butenas, Birute Ryvityte, Jolanta Sinkuniene, Erika Jasionyte & Algimantas Juozapavicius
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Witt, Andreas, Ulrich Heid, Felix Sasaki & Gilles Sérasset
Anderson, Wendy
Baker, Paul, Costas Gabrielatos, Majid KhosraviNik, Michał Krzyżanowski, Tony McEnery & Ruth Wodak
Conrad, Susan M. & Kimberly R. LeVelle
Cori, Marcel & Sophie David
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Williams, Geoffrey
2008. Review of Anderson ((2006)): The Phraseology of Administrative French: A corpus-based Study. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 13:1 ► pp. 129 ff. 
Ali, Afida Mohamad
Cheng, Winnie & Martin Warren
Fung, Lancy
Mahlberg, Michaela
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Philips, Lisa & Allan K. McDougall
Farr, Fiona
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Hédiard, Marie
Kaufer, D. & S. Ishizaki
Nuccorini, Stefania
Taljard, Elsabé
Taljard, Elsabé
Xiao, Richard & Tony McEnery
Aarts, Jan
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Dodigovic, Marina
Deignan, Alice & Liz Potter
Müller, Simone
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2003. Review of Bowker & Pearson (2002): Working with Specialized Language: A Practical Guide to Using Corpora. Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication 9:2 ► pp. 299 ff. 
Sinclair, John McH.
2001. Review of Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad & Finegan (1999): The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 6:2 ► pp. 339 ff. 
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[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
2014. Appendix C. ALLCHRS POS & USAS. In A Corpus Linguistic Approach to Literary Language and Characterization [Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 18], 
[no author supplied]
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
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