Part of
Lexical Priming: Applications and advances
Edited by Michael Pace-Sigge and Katie J. Patterson
[Studies in Corpus Linguistics 79] 2017
► pp. 189229
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Ortolani, Katherine O.
2024. The Language of Fashion from a Multidimensional Perspective. In Digital Humanities Looking at the World,  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Hoey, Michael & Katie Patterson
2021. Lexical Priming. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Jeaco, Stephen
2021. Exploring register withThe Prime Machine. Register Studies 3:2  pp. 279 ff. DOI logo
Zuppardi, Maria Carolina & Tony Berber Sardinha
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Sardinha, Tony Berber
2019. Lexicogrammar. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Pace-Sigge, Michael
2018. Where Corpus Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Meet. In Spreading Activation, Lexical Priming and the Semantic Web,  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo

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