Chapter 1
Introduction to linguistics and Chinese language
Before delving into Chinese linguistics, this chapter
provides readers with accessible introductions to major concepts and terms
within contemporary linguistics, followed by a succinct overview of second
language acquisition theory and research, and concludes with a brief but
comprehensive background on Mandarin Chinese, including Chinese dialects. If
you have never taken a linguistics class, understanding these basic
linguistic concepts will help you identify and analyze Mandarin Chinese
patterns in and out of this book.
Article outline
- 1.1Basic concepts of general linguistics
- 1.1.1What is language
- 1.Arbitrariness
- 2.Duality
- 3.Displacement
- 4.Patterning
- 5.Productivity
- 1.1.2What is linguistics
- basic distinctions in linguistics
- 1.Speech and writing
- 2.Descriptive or prescriptive
- 3.Competence and performance
- scope of linguistics
- 1.2Second language acquisition
- 1.2.1Linguistics and language teaching
- 1.2.2Interlanguage
- 1.2.3First language transfer
- 1.2.4L2 developmental errors
- 1.2.5Universal constraints and individual differences
- 1.3The Chinese language and dialects
- 1.3.1The terms
- 1.3.2The seven major dialects
- (Northern dialects)
- dialects
- 1.3.3Lingua franca
- 1.4The creation of the modern standard Chinese
- Exercises
Further readings