Part of
Phonology and Second Language Acquisition
Edited by Jette G. Hansen Edwards and Mary L. Zampini
[Studies in Bilingualism 36] 2008
► pp. 193218
Cited by (78)

Cited by 78 other publications

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2023. Assumptions of speaker ethnicity and the effect on ratings of accentedness, comprehensibility, and intelligibility. Language Awareness 32:2  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
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Zhou, Yi, Zhizheng Wu, Xiaohai Tian & Haizhou Li
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2016. Linguistic dimensions of second language accent and comprehensibility. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 2:2  pp. 160 ff. DOI logo
Demirezen, Mehmet
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Yazan, Bedrettin
2015. Intelligibility. ELT Journal 69:2  pp. 202 ff. DOI logo
Caspers, Johanneke
2014. Pitch accent placement in Dutch as a second language. In Above and Beyond the Segments,  pp. 28 ff. DOI logo
Mennen, Ineke & Esther de Leeuw
2014. BEYOND SEGMENTS. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 36:2  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
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2013. Online Communities of Practice and Second Language Phonological Acquisition. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 3:3  pp. 34 ff. DOI logo
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2013. Conceptualizing Pronunciation As Part of Translingual/Transcultural Competence: New Impulses for SLA Research and the L2 Classroom. Foreign Language Annals 46:2  pp. 213 ff. DOI logo
Müller, Mareike
2016. Listening to learners’ voices. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 2:1  pp. 108 ff. DOI logo
Subtirelu, Nicholas
2013. What (do) learners want (?): a re-examination of the issue of learner preferences regarding the use of ‘native’ speaker norms in English language teaching. Language Awareness 22:3  pp. 270 ff. DOI logo
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2013. The Sound of German: Descriptions of Accent by Native and Non‐Native Listeners. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 46:1  pp. 106 ff. DOI logo
Winke, Paula & Susan Gass
2013. The Influence of Second Language Experience and Accent Familiarity on Oral Proficiency Rating: A Qualitative Investigation. TESOL Quarterly 47:4  pp. 762 ff. DOI logo
Abrahamsson, Niclas
2012. Phonological Acquisition. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Detey, Sylvain & Isabelle Racine
2012. Les apprenants de français face aux normes de prononciation : quelle(s) entrée(s) pour quelle(s) sortie(s) ?. Revue française de linguistique appliquée Vol. XVII:1  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
Harding, Luke
2012. Pronunciation Assessment. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Isaacs, Talia & Pavel Trofimovich
2012. DECONSTRUCTING COMPREHENSIBILITY. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 34:3  pp. 475 ff. DOI logo
Knouse, Stephanie M.
2012. The Acquisition of Dialectal Phonemes in a Study Abroad Context: The Case of the Castilian Theta. Foreign Language Annals 45:4  pp. 512 ff. DOI logo
Munro, Murray J.
2012. Intelligibility. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Saito, Kazuya & Kim van Poeteren
2012. Pronunciation-specific adjustment strategies for intelligibility in L2 teacher talk: results and implications of a questionnaire study. Language Awareness 21:4  pp. 369 ff. DOI logo
Visceglia, Tanya, Chao-yu Su & Chiu-yu Tseng
2012. 2012 International Conference on Speech Database and Assessments,  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Riney, Timothy J.
2011. Repairing Tales from Japan: Changes Over Time in Personal Narratives. Research in Language 9:2  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Saito, Kazuya
2011. Identifying Problematic Segmental Features to Acquire Comprehensible Pronunciation in EFL Settings: The Case of Japanese Learners of English. RELC Journal 42:3  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
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2013. Raters’ L2 background as a potential source of bias in rating oral performance. Language Testing 30:2  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
Tomita, Kaoru, Jun Yamada & Shigenobu Takatsuka
2010. English Vowel Spaces Produced by Japanese Speakers: The Smaller Point Vowels’ and the Greater Schwas’. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 39:5  pp. 375 ff. DOI logo
Derwing, Tracey M. & Murray J. Munro
2009. Putting accent in its place: Rethinking obstacles to communication. Language Teaching 42:4  pp. 476 ff. DOI logo
Myungsook Kim
2009. /T/-glottalization of English in Korean College Students. English Language and Linguistics null:28  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2020.  L ist of Sources . In Applying Phonetics,  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2022. , DOI logo

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