Saiegh‐Haddad, Elinor & Rachel Schiff
Diglossic and Orthographic Features of Reading Comprehension in Standard Arabic: The Primacy of the Spoken Language.
Reading Research Quarterly 60:1

Abd El-Raziq, Muna, Natalia Meir & Elinor Saiegh-Haddad
Lexical skills in children with and without autism in the context of Arabic diglossia: Evidence from vocabulary and narrative tasks.
Language Acquisition 31:3-4
► pp. 199 ff.

Cavallaro, Francesco, Yan Kang Tan, Wenhan Xie & Bee Chin Ng
Logue, Susan, Christina Sevdali, Raffaella Folli & Juliana Gerard
The impact of internal and external factors across language domains and features in sequential bilingual acquisition.
Journal of Child Language ► pp. 1 ff.

Nickerson, Nia, Xin Sun, Valeria Caruso, Kehui Zhang, Chi‐Lin Yu, Rachel Eggleston, Natasha Chaku, Xiaosu Hu, Teresa Satterfield & Ioulia Kovelman
What's in the Sound? Common and Language‐Specific Patterns in Brain Activation and Functional Connectivity for Phonological Awareness in Spanish–English Bilinguals.
Mind, Brain, and Education 18:3
► pp. 295 ff.

Asli-Badarneh, Abeer, Kathleen Hipfner-Boucher, Xi Chen Bumgardner, Redab AlJanaideh & Elinor Saiegh Haddad
Narrative microstructure and macrostructure skills in Arabic diglossia: The case of Arab immigrant children in Canada.
International Journal of Bilingualism 27:3
► pp. 349 ff.

Li, Guofang, Zhen Lin, Fubiao Zhen, Lee Gunderson & Ryan Xuejun Ji
Home literacy environment and early biliteracy engagement and attainment: A gendered perspective.
Bilingual Research Journal 46:3-4
► pp. 258 ff.

PARADIS, Johanne
Sources of individual differences in the dual language development of heritage bilinguals.
Journal of Child Language 50:4
► pp. 793 ff.

Ragnarsdóttir, Hanna, Artëm Ingmar Benediktsson & Renata Emilsson Peskova
Language policies and multilingual practices in Icelandic preschools.
Multicultural Education Review 15:2
► pp. 81 ff.

Marquis, Marie-Hélène, Marianne Cormier & Nathalie Bigras
Liens entre le contexte sociolinguistique et les comportements langagiers de nouveaux parents : le cas du Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Éducation et francophonie 50:3

Peleman, Brecht, Anouk Van Der Wildt & Michel Vandenbroeck
Home language use with children, dialogue with multilingual parents and professional development in ECEC.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 61
► pp. 70 ff.

Saiegh-Haddad, Elinor
A Psycholinguistic-Developmental Approach to the Study of Reading in Arabic Diglossia: Assumptions, Methods, Findings and Educational Implications. In
Handbook of Literacy in Diglossia and in Dialectal Contexts [
Literacy Studies, 22],
► pp. 135 ff.

Sopata, Aldona & Kamil Długosz
The effects of language input on word order in German as a heritage and majority language.
Language Acquisition 29:2
► pp. 198 ff.

Sun, He
Harmonious Bilingual Development: The Concept, the Significance, and the Implications. In
Early Childhood Development and Education in Singapore [
Empowering Teaching and Learning through Policies and Practice: Singapore and International Perspectives, 2],
► pp. 261 ff.

Sun, He
Harmonious bilingual experience and child wellbeing: a conceptual framework.
Frontiers in Psychology 14

Sun, Lichao, Christina D. Griep & Hanako Yoshida
Shared Multimodal Input Through Social Coordination: Infants With Monolingual and Bilingual Learning Experiences.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Dubiel, Bozena & Eithne Guilfoyle
Early shifts in the heritage language strength: A comparison of lexical access and accuracy in bilingual and monolingual children.
International Journal of Bilingualism 25:1
► pp. 21 ff.

Meir, Natalia & Bibi Janssen
Child Heritage Language Development: An Interplay Between Cross-Linguistic Influence and Language-External Factors.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Perpiñán, Silvia & Adriana Soto-Corominas
Indirectstructural crosslinguistic influence in early Catalan–Spanish bilinguals in adulthood: Predicate selection in Catalan existential constructions.
Applied Psycholinguistics 42:6
► pp. 1463 ff.

Serrat, Elisabet, Anna Amadó, Aina Bonet, Sara Feijóo & Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla
Growing up in a socially bilingual environment: simultaneous acquisition of a typologically close language (Crecer en un entorno social bilingüe: adquisición de una lengua de forma simultánea a otra lengua tipológicamente similar).
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 44:2
► pp. 336 ff.

Smolander, Sini, Marja Laasonen, Eva Arkkila, Pekka Lahti‐Nuuttila & Sari Kunnari
L2 vocabulary acquisition of early sequentially bilingual children with TD and DLD affected differently by exposure and age of onset.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 56:1
► pp. 72 ff.

Vaahtoranta, Enni, Sebastian Suggate, Jan Lenhart & Wolfgang Lenhard
Language exposure and phonological short-term memory as predictors of majority language vocabulary and phonological awareness in dual language learning.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24:2
► pp. 319 ff.

Wang, Weihong & Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen
Lost in translation: parents as medium translators in intergenerational language transmission.
Current Issues in Language Planning 22:4
► pp. 362 ff.

Wu, Ruilin & Esli Struys
Language Dominance and Sociolinguistic Experience Are Related to Language Control and Domain-General Monitoring Control: An Investigation in Bilinguals Who Live in a Minority/Majority Sociolinguistic Setting.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Wu, Ruilin & Esli Struys
A Domain-General Monitoring Account of Bilingual Language Control in Recognition: The Role of Language Dominance and Bilingual Experience.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Carbajal, Maria Julia & Sharon Peperkamp
Dual language input and the impact of language separation on early lexical development.
Infancy 25:1
► pp. 22 ff.

Ehl, Birgit & Michael Grosche
Einbezug von Alter und Sprachkontaktdauer in die Wortschatzdiagnostik bei Mehrsprachigkeit.
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 52:1-2
► pp. 41 ff.

Kyuchukov, Hristo, Oksana S. Ushakova & Farida S. Gazizova
The Tatar-Russian Bilingualism in Early Childhood.
East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 7:2

Lloyd-Smith, Anika, Fatih Bayram & Michael Iverson
Ortega, Lourdes
The Study of Heritage Language Development From a Bilingualism and Social Justice Perspective.
Language Learning 70:S1
► pp. 15 ff.

SUN, He, Siew Chin NG, Beth Ann O'BRIEN & Tom FRITZSCHE
Child, family, and school factors in bilingual preschoolers’ vocabulary development in heritage languages.
Journal of Child Language 47:4
► pp. 817 ff.

De Houwer, Annick
Early Bilingualism. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.

De Houwer, Annick
Bilingual Development in Childhood,

Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega
The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism,

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.