This chapter is concerned
with Turkish heritage speakers (HSs) in Germany,
here exemplified by 21 early bilinguals during
adulthood who live in Hamburg, North Germany. We
introduce the population, report their
self-perceived proficiency and propose the Turkish
Use Score (TUS) that is based on quantitative
aspects of language use (e.g., the number of
people Turkish is spoken with) and qualitative
ones (e.g., schooling in Turkish). In the
remainder of the paper, we focus on the perceived
accent of these speakers in German and Turkish,
discussing the role of Age of Onset (AoO) in
German vs. amount of Turkish use. The results show
a strong correlation between Turkish use and
perceived nativeness in Turkish, while no role of
AoO is evident for accent in either language. Our
data further suggested a weak (but
non-significant) relation between high Turkish use
and sounding more foreign in German.
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2024. The Phonetics and Phonology of Heritage Language Speakers. In The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Phonetics and Phonology, ► pp. 560 ff.
Kupisch, Tanja
2021. Heritage Languages in Europe. In The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics, ► pp. 45 ff.
[no author supplied]
2021. Heritage Languages around the World. In The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics, ► pp. 11 ff.
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