This comparative study of naturally occurring apologies in Cuernavaca and Panamanian Spanish investigates the apology strategies community members employ most often, and the types of positive- and negative-politeness strategies they use to perform this speech act. The authors calculate the frequency with which speakers use positive- and negative-politeness strategies in their apology acts and investigate whether members of these two speech communities demonstrate a preference for positive or negative politeness when apologizing. Instead of using a language-specific parameter such as “Spanish Language” and assuming that all native speakers of this language have and will use a closed set of linguistic strategies in the same way when they apologize, the authors argue that speech acts, politeness and face are socio-culturally sensitive variables whose values and effects vary between communities of practice. To support this claim, they show how the communities of Cuernavaca, Mexico and Panama City, Panama differ from previous findings on apologizing within different communities of practice in the Spanish-speaking world.
2022. Apologizing in Spanish. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)► pp. 543 ff.
Hernández, Todd A.
2021. Explicit instruction for the development of L2 Spanish pragmatic ability during study abroad. System 96 ► pp. 102395 ff.
Schneider, Klaus P.
2021. Variational Pragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics, ► pp. 663 ff.
Showstack, Rachel E.
2016. La pragmática transcultural de los hablantes de herencia de español: análisis e implicaciones pedagógicas. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 3:2 ► pp. 143 ff.
[no author supplied]
2021. Approaches and Methods in Sociopragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics, ► pp. 567 ff.
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