The border shared by Brazil and Uruguay represents a situation of sustained, intimate cultural and linguistic contact between Spanish and Portuguese speakers. Previous research on the bilingualism of this region has focused primarily on Dialectos Portugueses del Uruguay ‘Portuguese Dialects of Uruguay’ (DPU) (Carvalho 1998, 2003a, 2003b; Elizaincín 1976, 1992a, 1992b; Elizaincín, Behares & Barrios 1987; Hensey 1971, 1972; Rona 1965). Surprisingly, however, the Spanish of Uruguay spoken along this border has never been extensively studied. The current research focuses on the role of sociolinguistic identity in the conditioning of language-specific variants of intervocalic /d/ in the Spanish of 63 bilinguals living in Rivera, Uruguay. Unlike in monolingual varieties of Spanish, in which intervocalic /d/ is realized as either a fricative or a phonetic zero, this phoneme is also variably realized as an occlusive in the bilingual Spanish of Rivera in accordance with Portuguese phonological norms. Perceptions of sociolinguistic identity within this speech community are based on four independent factor groups. These are: (1) frequency of language use, (2) language preference, (3) attitudes toward local Portuguese and (4) attitudes toward language mixing. Results from multivariate analysis reveal that Portuguese-dominant speakers tend to incorporate occlusive variants of intervocalic /d/ into their Spanish to a much greater extent than Spanish-dominant speakers. Conversely, the deletion of this consonant, which has garnered covert prestige within the community due to its association with non-border varieties of Spanish, is statistically favored among speakers who prefer this language. These results provide evidence in support of the hypothesis that the ease of access of phonological exemplars from stored memory is greater for those encoding frequent, recent experiences (Pierrehumbert 2001). With regards to sociolinguistic attitudes, statistical analysis shows that speakers who have positive attitudes toward local Portuguese favor the use of occlusive variants, which serve as markers of Brazilian identity. Somewhat counter intuitively, speakers who have positive attitudes toward language mixing favor deletion. When these attitudes are cross-tabulated with speakers’ occupation, however, it becomes clear that only students have overwhelmingly positive attitudes toward language mixing. Not surprisingly, they are also the least conservative group in the community and lead the way for phonological change (Waltermire 2008).
2024. ¿Soy de Ribera o Rivera?: Sociolinguistic /b/-/v/ Variation in Rivera Spanish. Languages 9:10 ► pp. 308 ff.
Brown, Esther L. & Javier Rivas
2024. Constructional sources of durational shortening in discourse markers. Linguistics 62:4 ► pp. 1023 ff.
Gradoville, Michael, Sofía Fernandez, Avizia Long & Mark Waltermire
2024. Lectal coherence in a border bilingual community. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 17:1 ► pp. 25 ff.
Gilbert, Madeline
2023. Conflicting standards and variability: Spirantization in two varieties of Uruguayan Spanish. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 16:2 ► pp. 397 ff.
Gradoville, Michael, Mark Waltermire, Audrey Chery, Sofía Fernandez & Avizia Long
2022. New Methods for Tracking Development of Sociophonetic Competence: Exploring a Preference Task for Spanish /d/ Deletion. Applied Linguistics 43:4 ► pp. 805 ff.
Gradoville, Michael, Mark Waltermire & Avizia Long
2021. Cognate similarity and intervocalic /d/ production in Riverense Spanish. International Journal of Bilingualism 25:3 ► pp. 727 ff.
2015. The role of discourse context frequency in phonological variation: A usage-based approach to bilingual speech production. International Journal of Bilingualism 19:4 ► pp. 387 ff.
2012. The differential use of Spanish and Portuguese along the Uruguayan–Brazilian border. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 15:5 ► pp. 509 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.