Our goal in this paper is to shed some light on the treatment of immigration issues in the current Spanish press via the analysis of the visual and lexical choices used in the journalistic representation of immigration. With this in mind, taking Critical Discourse Analysis and Visual Grammar as theoretical paradigms, we will explore how immigration is represented in a representative sample of multimodal texts found in newspapers from Alicante, a province with a very high percentage of immigrants in Spain. To this end, we will analyse the image and the euphemistic lexical references to immigration in the headlines, subheadings and captions of the pieces of news that constitute our corpus. The findings obtained provide evidence for the fact that, in the majority of the texts analysed, a considerable number of lexical and visual elements do not contribute to a positive representation of immigrants and tend to provoke, whether consciously or not, discriminatory attitudes towards them.
Prieto-Andrés, Antonio, Cayetano Fernández & Alma López-Avilés
2024. The visual representation of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees in the Spanish press. Media, War & Conflict
Scott, Alex & Vincent Peña
2024. Who Is Worthy of a Name? Identity, Naming, and Social Difference in News Images’ Captions. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 101:1 ► pp. 206 ff.
Alcaraz-Mármol, Gema & Jorge Soto-Almela
2022. Refugees’ dehumanization in the Spanish media: A corpus-assisted study within the semantic preference framework
. Applied Linguistics Review 13:5 ► pp. 791 ff.
Kania, Ursula
2022. “Snake flu,” “killer bug,” and “Chinese virus”: A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of lexical choices in early UK press coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5
Arteta Esnal, Taide, Julia Shershneva & Irune Ruiz Ciarreta
2021. La aportación de la inmigración a la economía vasca y su representación en la prensa:. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico 27:1 ► pp. 27 ff.
Hart, Christopher & Javier Marmol Queralto
2021. What can cognitive linguistics tell us about language-image relations? A multidimensional approach to intersemiotic convergence in multimodal texts. Cognitive Linguistics 32:4 ► pp. 529 ff.
Vezovnik, Andreja & Ljiljana Šarić
2020. Subjectless images: visualization of migrants in Croatian and Slovenian public broadcasters’ online news. Social Semiotics 30:2 ► pp. 168 ff.
Chovanec, Jan
2019. Euphemisms and non-proximal manipulation of discourse space: The case of blue-on-blue. Lingua 225 ► pp. 50 ff.
Hellmueller, Lea & Xu Zhang
2019. Shifting toward a humanized perspective? Visual framing analysis of the coverage of refugees on CNN and Spiegel Online before and after the iconic photo publication of Alan Kurdi. Visual Communication
Obradors, Matilde, Irene Da Rocha & Ana Fernández-Aballí
2018. Approach to the new videographies analysis: Case study of immigrant representations in the Social Innovation Laboratory videos (SIL UBIQA). Semiotica 2018:224 ► pp. 85 ff.
Strom, Megan & Emily Alcock
2017. Floods, waves, and surges: the representation of Latin immigrant children in the United States mainstream media. Critical Discourse Studies 14:4 ► pp. 440 ff.
Zhang, Xu & Lea Hellmueller
2017. Visual framing of the European refugee crisis in Der Spiegel and CNN International: Global journalism in news photographs. International Communication Gazette 79:5 ► pp. 483 ff.
Strom, Megan
2015. Social hierarchy in local Spanish-language print media: The discursive representation of Latino social actors in the United States. Discourse & Society 26:2 ► pp. 230 ff.
Strom, Megan
2015. Intersemiotic relationships in Spanish-language media in the United States: A critical analysis of the representation of ideology across verbal and visual modes. Discourse & Communication 9:4 ► pp. 487 ff.
Strom, Megan
2016. Spanish-language print media in the USA: A social semiotic analysis of ideological representations in photojournalism. Social Semiotics 26:2 ► pp. 151 ff.
Martinez Lirola, Maria
2014. Exploring visual dysphemisms in pieces of news related to immigrant minors in a Spanish newspaper. Visual Communication 13:4 ► pp. 405 ff.
Martínez Lirola, María
Martínez Lirola, María
2014. Legitimating the return of immigrants in Spanish media discourse. Brno Studies in English 40:1 ► pp. 129 ff.
Martínez Lirola, María
2017. Linguistic and visual strategies for portraying immigrants as people deprived of human rights†. Social Semiotics 27:1 ► pp. 21 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.