Part of
Studies in Interactional Linguistics
Edited by Margret Selting and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
[Studies in Discourse and Grammar 10] 2001
► pp. 81110
Cited by (16)

Cited by 16 other publications

Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth & Tsuyoshi Ono
2022. ‘Incrementing’ in conversation. A comparison of practices in English, German and Japanese. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 513 ff. DOI logo
Ono, Tsuyoshi & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
2022. Increments in cross-linguistic perspective. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 505 ff. DOI logo
Schröder, Ulrike
2020. Talking about intercultural experiences. International Journal of Language and Culture 7:1  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Costa, Josiane Marques da & Thiago da Cunha Nascimento
2019. As funções comunicativas de metáforas verbo-gestuais em uma interação entre intercambistas no Brasil. In Comunicação (inter)cultural em interação,  pp. 223 ff. DOI logo
Haugh, Michael & Yasuko Obana
2015. Transformative continuations, (dis)affiliation, and accountability in Japanese interaction. Text & Talk 35:5  pp. 597 ff. DOI logo
Horlacher, Anne-Sylvie & Simona Pekarek Doehler
2015. ‘Pivotage’ in French talk-in-interaction. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 593 ff. DOI logo
Tanaka, Hiroko
2015. Action-projection in Japanese conversation: topic particles wa, mo, and tte for triggering categorization activities. Frontiers in Psychology 6 DOI logo
Laury, Ritva
2012. Syntactically Non-Integrated FinnishJos‘If’-Conditional Clauses as Directives. Discourse Processes 49:3-4  pp. 213 ff. DOI logo
Luke, Kang-kwong
2012. Dislocation or Afterthought?—A Conversation Analytic Account of Incremental Sentences in Chinese. Discourse Processes 49:3-4  pp. 338 ff. DOI logo
Luke, Kang-kwong, Sandra A. Thompson & Tsuyoshi Ono
2012. Turns and Increments: A Comparative Perspective. Discourse Processes 49:3-4  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Rosenthal, Benjamin M.
2008.  A Resource for Repair in Japanese Talk-in-Interaction: The Phrase TTE YUU KA . Research on Language and Social Interaction 41:2  pp. 227 ff. DOI logo
Thompson, Sandra A. & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
2005. The clause as a locus of grammar and interaction. Discourse Studies 7:4-5  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Hayashi, Makoto
2004. Projection and grammar: notes on the ‘action-projecting’ use of the distal demonstrative are in Japanese. Journal of Pragmatics 36:8  pp. 1337 ff. DOI logo
Tanaka, Hiroko & Mihoko Fukushima
2002. Gender orientations to outward appearance in Japanese conversation: a study in grammar and interaction. Discourse & Society 13:6  pp. 749 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2012. References. In The Handbook of Conversation Analysis,  pp. 741 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2015. Références bibliographiques. In La dislocation à droite revisitée [Champs linguistiques, ],  pp. 261 ff. DOI logo

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