Demonstratives in Interaction

The emergence of a definite article in Finnish

ORCID logo | California State University, Fresno
ISBN 9789027226174 (Eur) | EUR 115.00
ISBN 9781556193736 (USA) | USD 173.00
ISBN 9789027275813 | EUR 115.00 | USD 173.00
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This book concerns one of the paradigm examples of grammaticalization, the development of a definite article from a demonstrative determiner. Although standard written Finnish has no articles, the demonstrative se is currently emerging as a definite article in spoken Finnish. This book describes and explains the developing use of se based on a database consisting of spoken narratives from three different periods spanning the last one hundred years.
The author proposes that the development from demonstrative to article has its roots in the way that speakers ordinarily use demonstratives in conversation, and provides an analysis of the use of se and the two other Finnish demonstratives, tämä and tuo in a corpus of multi-party conversations, showing that speakers of Finnish use demonstratives to focus attention on important referents and to express and negotiate access to them in the interactive context of ongoing talk, and not primarily to talk about how near or far referents are. The development of se into a general marker of identifiability is shown to be connected with both the focusing function of demonstratives as well as its use for referents which the speaker considers accessible to the addressee.
[Studies in Discourse and Grammar, 7] 1997.  viii, 294 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 December 2011
Table of Contents
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