Negotiating Agreement and Disagreement in Japanese

Connective expressions and turn construction

| University of Wisconsin-Madison
ISBN 9789027226181 (Eur) | EUR 110.00
ISBN 9781556193743 (USA) | USD 165.00
ISBN 9789027275516 | EUR 110.00 | USD 165.00
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On the basis of the meticulous transcription/observation process of ‘Conversation Analysis’, this book observes recurrent patterns in sequences where Japanese speakers negotiate agreement and disagreement. It contributes to the growing body of research on ‘interaction and grammar’ by examining how linguistic recourses are utilized for constructing turns and anticipating the upcoming course of interaction. More specifically, it focuses on the recurrent use of two structurally different types of connective expressions: clause-initial connectives and clause-final connective particles. The study examines the occurrences of these causal and contrastive markers with reference to their sequential environment and the resulting interaction. While the introductory chapters situate this approach in the current literature, the main analytical chapters investigate the ways in which ‘delivery of agreement’, ‘delivery of disagreement’, and ‘pursuit for agreement’ are performed with the use of the different types of connective expressions. As one of the earliest conversation analytic studies of Japanese, this book also addresses methodological issues concerning cross-linguistic, cross-cultural studies of human interaction.
[Studies in Discourse and Grammar, 8] 1999.  xii, 240 pp.
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Table of Contents
“Overall, this book provides a excellent model for CA-inspired analysis of the role of grammar in interaction.”
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CF: Linguistics

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LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  99040505 | Marc record