Acquiring feature-based ordering preferences in English
The system of features affecting adults’ dative construction
choices in English is well established in recent research. Less is known
about how children might acquire this system. The two experiments in this
chapter add data to this question. They map out the effects of length,
animacy, and grammatical number on these choices in first language
acquisition. The first experiment combines an act-out task with eye-tracking
and finds that children as young as four years of age expect the
animate-before-inanimate order. The second experiment asks the same
participants to reproduce ditransitive sentences and finds that participants
reproduce sentences more easily if these conform to their ordering
preferences. These results suggest that the harmonic alignment evident in
dative ordering preferences is an epiphenomenon of cognitive ease.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Length
- 2.2Animacy
- 2.3Number
- 3.Act-out experiment
- 3.1Participants
- 3.2Materials
- 3.3Procedure
- 3.4Results
- 3.5Discussion
- 4.Elicitation experiment
- 4.1Participants
- 4.2Materials
- 4.3Procedure
- 4.4Results
- 4.5Discussion
- 5.General discussion
- 6.Conclusion