Présence de la Russie dans le réseau phonétique international (1886–1940)
Since the end of the 19th Century, phonetics builds up an international network. In France, two figures attract foreigners: Paul Passy, the leader of the renewal of foreign language learning through an oral approach and Father Rousselot, the undisputed father of experimental phonetics. This paper aims at recognizing the presence of Russian research fellows (and particularly of Lev Ščerba) in several places: the International Congresses of Phonetic Sciences (1932, 1935, 1938) and of experimental phonetics (Hamburg 1914); the Société de linguistique de Paris (SLP) and the International Phonetic Association (IPA); the journals: Archives néerlandaises de phonétique expérimentale, Le Maître phonétique, La Revue de phonétique, Parole, the Bulletin and the Mémoires de la SLP.
Article language: French