Why is it so hard to establish gestalt ideas within
I call holistic and relativistic approaches to language
gestalt linguistics. Although there have been some efforts to
integrate them into linguistics, they have never formed part of
mainstream linguistics. This article tackles the “why” of this
diagnosis. Historic exclusion of psychology from linguistics, the
fact that the perceptual gestalt theory is not a genuine linguistic
theory and that it deals with preconscious grouping principles but
not with symbolic linguistic units, the vagueness of gestalt
concepts, and the lack of a proper formalism are aspects of the
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Gestalt psychology and gestalt linguistics
- 3.Epistemological premises of structuralist and gestalt
- 4.Conclusion
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Cited by one other publication
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»Die Sprachen sind instabile und ungeordnete Systeme«.
Journal für Psychologie 29:2
► pp. 120 ff.
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