Practicing Linguistic Historiography
Paperback – Other edition available
ISBN 9789027245366
This collection contains 24 articles on the history of linguistics written between 1978 and 1988, divided into three parts:
1. Methods and Models in Linguistic Historiography 2. Tradition and Transmission of Linguistic Notions 3. Schools and Scholars in the History of Linguistics
Three articles are written in German, two in French and one in Italian. The remaining eighteen articles are in English.
[Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 50] 1989. xiv, 455 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 3 October 2011
Published online on 3 October 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface & Acknowledgements | p. vii
Part I: Methods and Models in Linguistic Historiography
1. On ‘Unrewriting the History of Linguistics’ | p. 3
2. Das Problem der Metasprache in der Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung | p. 13
3. On the Problem of ‘Influence’ in Linguistic Historiography | p. 31
4. Models in Linguistic Historiography | p. 47
5. On Practicing Linguistic Historiography | p. 61
6. Continuities and Discontinuities in the History of Linguistics | p. 69
7. The Neogrammarian Doctrine: Breakthrough or extension of the Schleicherian paradigm: A problem in linguistic historiography | p. 79
8. The Chomskyan ‘Revolution’ and Its Historiography: Observations of a bystander | p. 101
Part II: Tradition and Transmission of Linguistic Notions
9. Observations on the Sources, Transmission, and Meaning of ‘Indo-European’ and Related Terms in the Development of Linguistics | p. 149
10. Sulla origine e storia dell'asterisco nella linguistica storica: Un cenno storiografico | p. 179
11. August Schleicher and the Tree Idea in Comparative Linguistics | p. 185
12. Positivism in 19th and 20th Century Linguistics | p. 191
13. Schleichers Einfluß auf Haeckel: Schlaglichter auf die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit zwischen linguistischen und biologischen Theorien im 19. Jahrhundert | p. 211
14. On the Historical Roots of the Philology vs Linguistics Controversy | p. 233
15. Pilot and Pirate Disciplines in the Development of Linguistic Science | p. 245
16. Sur l'origine du concept et du terme de ‘synchronique’ en linguistique | p. 257
Part III: Schools and Scholars in the History of Linguistics
17. Friedrich Schlegel and the Emergence of Historical-Comparative Grammar | p. 269
18. Franz Bopp (1791-1867): Biographische Skizze | p. 291
19. Jacob Grimm's Place in the Foundation of Linguistics as a Science | p. 303
20. August Schleicher and Linguistic Science in the Second Half of the 19th Century | p. 325
21. Mikołaj Kruszewski's Contribution to General Linguistic Theory | p. 377
22. Antoine Meillet, Saussure et la linguistique générale: Une question d”influence' | p. 401
23. Holger Pedersen (1867-1953): A sketch of his life and work | p. 417
24. Leonard Bloomfield and the Cours de linguistique générale | p. 435
Index of Authors | p. 445
List of illustrations and portraits
One of Schleicher's two family trees of 1853 | p. 190, 219
Title page of Schleicher's ‘Offenes Sendschreiben an … Häckel’ (1863) | p. 210
One of Ernst Haeckel's many genealogical trees of 1866 | p. 220
Portrait of Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829) | p. 268
Portrait of Franz Bopp (1791-1867) | p. 298
Portrait of August Schleicher (1821-1868) | p. 324
Portrait of Mikołaj Kruszewski (1851-1887) | p. 376
Portrait of Antoine Meillet (1866-1936) | p. 400
Portrait of Holger Pedersen (1867-1953) | p. 416
Portrait of Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949) | p. 434
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Lorenzo, Guillermo
2021. Otto Jespersen, one more broken leg in the historical stool of generative linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 48:2-3 ► pp. 302 ff. 
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Hal, Toon Van
2019. Traditions, innovations, and connections in writing the history of linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 46:3 ► pp. 131 ff. 
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2018. August Schleicher and Materialism in 19th-Century Linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 45:1-2 ► pp. 133 ff. 
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Cavaliere, Ricardo
2016. On the concept of grammatical tradition and its application to linguistic studies in Brazil. In History of Linguistics 2014 [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 126], ► pp. 17 ff. 
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Batista, R.O.
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2014. Review of Watts (2012): Language Myths and the History of English. Journal of Historical Linguistics 4:1 ► pp. 151 ff. 
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Due secoli di pensiero linguistico: Dai primi dell’Ottocento a oggi. By Giorgio Graffi. Historiographia Linguistica 38:3 ► pp. 428 ff. 
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Chomskyan (R)evolutions. Edited by Douglas A. Kibbee. Historiographia Linguistica 38:3 ► pp. 432 ff. 
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La Vie du langage : La linguistique dynamique en France de 1864 à 1916. Par Carita Klippi. Historiographia Linguistica 38:3 ► pp. 396 ff. 
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Koerner, E.F.K
Koerner, E.F.K.
Christopher M. Hutton. Linguistics and the Third Reich: Mother-Tongue Fascism, Race and the Science of Language. In the series Routledge Studies in the History of Linguistics
1. London: Routledge. 1999. Pp. x + 416. £65.00 (hardcover).. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 45:3-4 ► pp. 312 ff. 
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2003. Die ursprünglichen fragestellungen hinter August schleichers Stammbaum-Theorie und Johannes Schmidts Wellen-Metapher. Historiographia Linguistica 30:3 ► pp. 301 ff. 
Poser, William J.
2002. Sir Thomas Young and statistical evidence of historical relationship. Historiographia Linguistica 29:1-2 ► pp. 262 ff. 
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1998. Mikołaj Kruszewski and 20th-century linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 25:1-2 ► pp. 61 ff. 
Graffi, Giorgio
1998. The treatment of syntax by some early 19th-century linguists. Historiographia Linguistica 25:3 ► pp. 257 ff. 
Lauzon, Matthew
1996. Savage eloquence in America and the linguistic construction of a British identity in the 18th century. Historiographia Linguistica 23:1-2 ► pp. 123 ff. 
Walker, Douglas C.
Konrad Koerner. Professing Linguistic Historiography. In the series Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science
79. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995. Pp. viii + 274. Hfl. 120.00; US$ 68.00 (hardcover).. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 41:4 ► pp. 404 ff. 
Falk, Julia S.
1995. Roman Jakobson and the history of Saussurean concepts in North American Linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 22:3 ► pp. 335 ff. 
Koerner, E.F. Konrad
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Ney, James W.
Griesel, Gerhard J.
1992. Aspects of the Linguistic Study of Zulu, 1849–1991. Historiographia Linguistica 19:2-3 ► pp. 419 ff. 
Joseph, John E.
1992. ‘Core’ and ‘Periphery’ in Historical Perspective. Historiographia Linguistica 19:2-3 ► pp. 317 ff. 
Joseph, John E.
Joseph, John E.
1996. The immediate sources of the ‘Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis’. Historiographia Linguistica 23:3 ► pp. 365 ff. 
Joseph, John E.
Joseph, John E.
Veldre, Georgia
1992. Zur Diskussion Über den Begriff ‘Tochtersprache’ im 19. Jahrhundert. Historiographia Linguistica 19:1 ► pp. 65 ff. 
Romaschko, Sergej A.
1991. Sprachwissenschaft, Ästhetik und Naturforschung Der Goethe-Zeit. Historiographia Linguistica 18:2-3 ► pp. 301 ff. 
Antal, László
Peeters, Bert
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
Pour une historiographie engagée; or where
historians of linguistics could still do better. In Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 128], ► pp. 37 ff. 
[no author supplied]
2020. La place du Bulletin de la société de Linguistique de
Paris parmi les principales revues de linguistique de
son temps. In Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 128], ► pp. 49 ff. 
[no author supplied]
2020. The historiography of linguistics past, present, future. In Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 128], ► pp. 3 ff. 
[no author supplied]
2020. Baudouin de Courtenay’s relationship with Schleicher. In Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 128], ► pp. 97 ff. 
[no author supplied]
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General