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The Dynamics of Linguistic Variation: Corpus evidence on English past and present
Edited by Terttu Nevalainen, Irma Taavitsainen, Päivi Pahta and Minna Korhonen
[Studies in Language Variation 2] 2008
► pp. 229243
Cited by (13)

Cited by 13 other publications

Grabarczyk, Izabela
2019. Polish Migrant Community in Ireland: the Use of Irish English Slit-t. Research in Language 17:2  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Grabarczyk, Izabela
2019. Polish migrant community in Ireland: the use of Irish English slit-t. Research in Language 17:2  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Burridge, Kate & Simon Musgrave
2014. It's Speaking Australian English We Are: Irish Features in Nineteenth Century Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:1  pp. 24 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2013. Supraregionalisation and Dissociation. In The Handbook of Language Variation and Change,  pp. 537 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2016. Society, Language and Irish Emigration. In Sociolinguistics in Ireland,  pp. 244 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2017. Early Recordings of Irish English. In Listening to the Past,  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2017. Britain and Ireland1. In The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics,  pp. 270 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2020. Re-examining codification. Language Policy 19:2  pp. 215 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2023. The Pronunciation of English in Ireland. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English,  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2023. The Language of Irish Literature in English. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English,  pp. 467 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2013. Reference Guide for Varieties of English. In A Dictionary of Varieties of English,  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2023. References. In Sounds of English Worldwide,  pp. 354 ff. DOI logo

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