Chapter 5
Language change caught in the act
A case study of Frisian relative pronouns
Jelske Dijkstra | Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, Mercator European Research Centre on
Multilingualism and Language
This study investigates language change in Frisian
relative pronouns in a corpus of Frisian radio broadcasts
(1966–2015). In spite of the limitations of this corpus,
we were able to catch language change in the act. The
analyses show that until the 1980s the younger speakers in
these broadcasts lead the rise of t-full relative
pronouns, a change that was first observed in literature
at the end of the 19th century. From the 1980s onwards the
new younger generation reversed this change and
increasingly started using the t-less relative pronouns.
Additionally, the increase of t-less forms occurred mostly
in non-scripted, spontaneous speech. It does not seem to
play a role whether the speaker is a presenter or an
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Omrop fryslân
- 3.Frisian in the Netherlands
- 4.Relative pronouns
- 5.Method
- 5.1The data
- 5.2Procedure
- 5.3Analysis
- 6.Results
- 7.Discussion
- 8.Conclusion
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