Repeating responses as a conversational affordance for linguistic transmission
Evidence from Yurakaré conversations
Given that face-to-face interaction is an important locus for linguistic transmission (
Enfield 2008: 297), it is argued in this paper that conversational structure must provide affordances
Gibson 1979) for transmitting linguistic items. The paper focuses on repeats where
an interactant (partially) repeats their interlocutor’s preceding utterance. Repeats are argued to provide affordances for the
transmission of innovative and conservative linguistic items by forcing interactants to repeat linguistic material uttered by
another person, facilitating production by exploiting priming effects. Moreover, repeats leave room for modification and thereby
for actively resisting transmission. In this way, repeats unite the competing forces (
et al. 2018) of automaticity and creativity. To support this claim, this paper investigates the use of Spanish
insertions and alternative variants in utterance-repeat pairs in Yurakaré (isolate, Bolivia) conversations. The findings are
compatible with a holistic view of language where all linguistic levels are interconnected (
Beckner et al. 2009).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Accommodation and transmission
- 2.1Causal frames of language
- 2.2Persistence and accommodation
- 2.3Linguistic transmission
- 3.Repeating responses
- 3.1Cognitive motivations: Priming
- 3.2Social motivations: Prosocial effects
- 3.3Pragmatic motivations: Lexical cohesion and alignment
- 3.4Repeats and biased transmission
- 4.Data and method
- 5.Repeating responses in Yurakaré conversations
- 5.1Accommodating by repeating Spanish insertions
- 5.2Resisting accommodation: Dropping
- 5.3Resisting accommodation: Replacement
- 5.4Limitations of the affordance
- 6.Conclusion
- Notes
- Conversational transcript
- Abbreviations
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