Part of
The Evidential Basis of Linguistic Argumentation
Edited by András Kertész and Csilla Rákosi
[Studies in Language Companion Series 153] 2014
► pp. 221270
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Cited by four other publications

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2016. Poor vs. Good Thought Experiments in Pragmatics: A Case Study. In Pragmemes and Theories of Language Use [Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 9],  pp. 643 ff. DOI logo
Kertész, András & Csilla Rákosi
2014. Chapter 2. The p-model of data and evidence in linguistics. In The Evidential Basis of Linguistic Argumentation [Studies in Language Companion Series, 153],  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Kertész, András & Csilla Rákosi
2016. On the Inferential Structure of Indirect Reports. In Indirect Reports and Pragmatics [Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 5],  pp. 435 ff. DOI logo

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