First and second person pronouns are complex categories for children to acquire. During a transitional period, when they start referring to themselves as subjects, French-speaking children produce a variety of non-conventional forms. The analysis of these uses provide valuable insights on how they creatively process language and progressively acquire the tools that enable them to refer to themselves and to the interlocutor, as speakers/addressees and subjects. In this paper, we present data from two French-speaking children, recorded monthly between 1;06 and 3;03 during everyday interactions with their mothers. We focus on the transitional use of non-standard forms in the children’s speech as a window unto the development of their cognitive, linguistic and social skills, and analyse the global and local impact of the input.
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Caët, Stéphanie, Aliyah Morgenstern, F. Neveu, S. Prévost, A. Steuckardt, G. Bergounioux & B. Hamma
2022. « Veux une tartine au chocolat pour goûter » : absence de sujet en référence à soi chez une enfant francophone. SHS Web of Conferences 138 ► pp. 09010 ff.
2019. The acquisition of English possessives by a bilingual child: Do input and usage frequency matter?. Journal of Child Language 46:1 ► pp. 170 ff.
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