Table of contents
Language contact and change in the Americas: The state of the art
Part I North America: California
Yuki, Pomoan, Wintun, and Athabaskan: Language Contact in Round Valley, California
The role of passives in the formation of hierarchical systems in Northern California
Assessing the effects of language contact on Northeastern Pomo
Synchronic and diachronic accounts of phonological features in Central Chumash languages
Part II North America: Athabaskan, Iroquoian, and Uto-Aztecan
Contact and semantic shift in extreme language endangerment: Ahtna riverine directionals in a cardinal world
“Excorporation” in a Dene (Athabaskan) language
Contact and change in Oneida
Huron/Wendat interactions with the Seneca language
The usual suspects: Multiple grammaticalization of ‘do’, ‘be’, ‘have’, and ‘go’ in Ute
Part III Northern Mexico, Mesoamerica, and South America
Language documentation and historical linguistics
The Jakaltek Popti’ noun classifier system: Changes due to Spanish contact
Language contact and word structure: A case study from north-west Amazonia
Auxiliation and typological shift: The interaction of language contact and internallymotivated change in Quechua
Discourse pattern replication in South Conchucos Quechua and Andean Spanish
Part IV The Americas and beyond
Measuring language typicality, with special reference to the Americas
Words for ‘dog’ as a diagnostic of language contact in the Americas
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