Chapter 11
Modal particles in Basque
Two cases of interaction between ote and
information structure
The interaction between modal particles and
information structure has received no attention within Basque
linguistics. Although the standard behaviour of modal particles in
Basque shows, no connection with information structure, in this
article I present two dialectal uses only found in Eastern Basque
where the discourse particle ote interacts with
focus: on the one hand, ote, which can behave as a
weak adverb in these varieties, is only licensed when there is
narrow focus occupying the Focus Phrase. On the other hand, the
particle can attach wh-words creating a
configuration also found in languages such as German or Japanese as
will be discussed throughout the article; this combination seems to
attract emphasis for intensity cross-linguistically.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Modal particles in Basque: A brief analysis of common ote
- 3.MP ote’s dependency on FocP in Eastern
- 4.Microvariations on the MP ote in North-Eastern
dialects: ‘wh-word ote’
- 5.Conclusions
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