In search of “the lexicographic stamp”
George Augustus Sala, slang and Late Modern English
This chapter is a contribution to the study of G. A. Sala and of the LModE period from the perspective of historical lexicography. Taking as its starting point
“Slang”, an article published by Sala in an 1853 issue of Dickens’s Household
Words, the study investigates Sala’s reliance on
previous glossaries of slang and the possible impact of the numerous
examples he provides upon the first edition of the Oxford
English Dictionary (OED1), prepared
shortly after. The analysis described concludes that, despite Sala’s
discussion of words previously unregistered in dictionaries, his
text had a tenuous impact upon OED1; it shows
furthermore that OED1 did not ignore recent
contemporaneous slang, testifying instead to the complex relation
LModE speakers had with non-standard language.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.G. A. Sala and Household Words
- 3.“Slang”
- 4.G. A. Sala’s examples in previous slang dictionaries
- 5.Slang in OED1?
- 6.G. A. Sala’s examples of slang in OED1
- 7.Conclusion