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Morphological Complexity within and across Boundaries: In honour of Aslı Göksel
Edited by Aslı Gürer, Dilek Uygun-Gökmen and Balkız Öztürk
[Studies in Language Companion Series 215] 2020
► pp. 110
References (86)
Bibliography of Prof. Aslı Göksel
Monographs and edited volumes
Pfau, Roland, Göksel, Aslı & Hosemann, Jana (eds). Forthcoming 2020. Deaf Elderly Signers: Past Experiences and Future Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Kerslake, Celia. 2011. Turkish, an Essential Grammar. London: Routledge.Google Scholar
. 2005 [Third reprint 2010]. Turkish, a Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge.Google Scholar
Özsoy, Ayşe Sumru & Göksel, Aslı (eds). 2003. Focus in Turkish. Lingua 113 (special issue).Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Kerslake, Celia. 2000. Studies on Turkish and Turkic Languages. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Parker, Elisabeth. 1992. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, Vol. 2.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 1990. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, Vol. 1.Google Scholar
Book chapters
Göksel, Aslı, Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri, Demirel, Buket Ela, Tamyürek Özparlak, Elvan, Saral, Burcu & Dikyuva, Hasan. Forthcoming. ‘You have a bad voice, you should only write…’ Deafness in Turkey 1930–2018: Misconceptions, administrative, social, and cultural barriers. To be published in Deaf Elderly Signers: Past Experiences and Future Perspectives, Roland Pfau, Aslı Göksel & Jana Hosemann (eds). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Akar, Didar, Öztürk, Balkız, Kelepir, Meltem & Göksel, Aslı. In press. Common ground management and inner negation in one: The case of hani. Submitted to Deniz Zeyrek & Özge Umut (eds). To be published by de Gruyter Mouton.
Demirel, Buket Ela, Saral, Burcu, Taşçı, Süleyman, Tamyürek Özparlak, Elvan, Göksel, Aslı & Dikyuva, Hasan. Forthcoming. Sağır hayatlar; dil, eğitim, iletişim.
Taşçı, Süleyman, Göksel, Aslı & Gökgöz, Kadir. Forthcoming. (Non-)simultaneity as a predictor for semantics and iconicity in complex lexemes.
Göksel, Aslı & Kapan, Aysel. In press. Turkish. To be published in Derivational Networks, Alexandra Bagasheva, Lívia Körtvélyessy, Pavel Stekauer & Salvador Valera (eds). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. DOI logo
Göksel, Aslı. In press. Introduction (Turkic section). To be published in A. Bagasheva, L. Körtvélyessy, P. Stekauer & S. Valera (eds.) Derivational Networks. Mouton de Gruyter.
Bağrıaçık, Metin, Göksel, Aslı & Ralli, Angela. 2019. Two Turkish suffixes in Pharasiot. In Morphology of Asia Minor Greek, Angela Ralli (ed.), 116–147. Leiden: Brill. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Öztürk, Balkız. 2019. Conditions on prominent internal possessors in Turkish. In Prominent Internal Possessors, András Bárány, Oliver Bond & Irina Nikolaeva (eds), 163–195. Oxford: OUP. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Gürer, Aslı & Göksel, Aslı. 2019. (Structural-)prosodic constraints on gapping in Turkish. In Word Order in Turkish, Ayşe Sumru Özsoy (ed.), 219–269. Dordrecht: Springer. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Mutlu, Filiz, Kapan, Aysel, Yağız Şen, Ali, Yıldırım-Gündoğdu, Hilal & Göksel, Aslı. 2019. ‘Head’ idioms in Turkish: Contrasts and correlations. In Embodiment in Cross-linguistics Studies; the Body Part Term ‘Head’, Iwona Kraska-Szlenk (ed.), 205–218. Leiden: Brill. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Bağrıaçık, Metin & Göksel, Aslı. 2018. Greek meets Turkish at the western edge of Asia: Case marking and subordination strategies in Cunda Turkish. In Special issue of Investigationes Linguisticae, Szymon Grzelak (ed.)Google Scholar
Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri & Göksel, Aslı. 2018. Native compounds in TİD; A classification based on headedness. In Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi. Special issue on TİD, Ayşe Sumru Özsoy (ed.), 1–28. Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi.Google Scholar
Schlenker, Philippe, Göksel, Aslı, Cecchetto, Carlo & Steinbach, Markus. 2017. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 726–735. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
Pfau, Roland, Göksel, Aslı & Costello, Brendan. 2017. Classifiers. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 250–260. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
Pfau, Roland & Göksel, Aslı. 2017. Derivation. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 188–200. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı, Barberá, Gemma & Kimmelman, Vadim. 2017. Information structure. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 700–714. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Pfau, Roland. 2017. The non-native lexicon. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 94–106. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
. 2017. Definitions and challenges. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 201–202. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
. 2017. Compounding. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 169–188. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 2017. Preliminary considerations. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 167–168. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
Bağrıaçık, Metin, Göksel, Aslı & Ralli, Angela. 2017. Copying compound structure; The case of Pharasiot Greek. In Further Investigations into the Nature of Phrasal Compounding, Carola Trips & Jaklin Kornfilt (eds), 181–227. Berlin: Language Science Press.Google Scholar
Donati, Caterina, Özsoy, Ayşe Sumru & Göksel, Aslı. 2017. Argument clauses. In SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing, Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 427–440. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Google Scholar
Bağrıaçık, Metin & Göksel, Aslı. 2016. Greek meets Turkish: Subordination strategies in Cunda Turkish. In Exploring the Turkish Linguistic Landscape: Essays in Honor of Prof. Eser Erguvanlı Taylan [Studies in Language Companion Series 175], Mine Güven, Didar Akar, Balkız Öztürk & Meltem Kelepir (eds), 57–81. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Meltem Kelepir. 2016. Observations on complex clauses in Turkish Sign Language. In A Matter of Complexity: Subordination in Sign Languages, Annika Herrmann, Roland Pfau & Markus Steinbach (eds), 73–102. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri. 2016. Sessel dilden işaret diline: TİD’de Ödünç Sözcükler. In Ellerle Konuşmak: Türk İşaret Dili Araştırmaları, Engin Arık (ed.), 361–388.Google Scholar
Kelepir, Meltem & Göksel, Aslı. 2016. TİD’de dolaylı anlatım üzerine gözlemler. In Ellerle Konuşmak: Türk İşaret Dili Araştırmaları, Engin Arık (ed.), 337–360.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 2015. Phrasal compounds in Turkish; Distinguishing citations from quotations. In Phrasal Compounds, Special issue – STUF Language Typology and Universals, Carola Trips & Jaklin Kornfilt (eds), 359–394.Google Scholar
Özsoy, Ayşe Sumru, Arık, Engin, Göksel, Aslı, Kelepir, Meltem & Nuhbalaoğlu, Derya. 2013. Documenting Turkish Sign Language: A report on a research project. In Current Directions in Turkish Sign Language Research, Engin Arık (ed.), 53–67. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.Google Scholar
Kelepir, Meltem & Göksel, Aslı. 2013. Aspects of reported utterances in Turkish Sign Language. In Current Directions in Turkish Sign Language Research, Engin Arık (ed), 186–213. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Pöchtrager, Markus A. 2013. The vocative and its kin: Marking function through prosody. In Vocative! Addressing between System and Performance, Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna & Barbara Sonnenhauser (eds), 87–108. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Kabak, Barış. 2012. Covert modality and context shift: The ‘perplexive’ construction. In Covert Patterns of Modality, Werner Abraham & Elisabeth Leiss (eds), 106–132. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 2011. Word order, sentential stress and intonation. In Pazar Laz, Balkız Öztürk & Markus A. Pöchtrager (eds), 146–159. Munich: Lincom.Google Scholar
. 2011. A phono-syntactic template for Turkish: Base-generating free word order. In Syntax and Morphology Multidimensional, Interface Explorations, Andreas Nolda & Oliver Teuber (eds), 45–76. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı, Kelepir, Meltem & Üntak-Tarhan, Aslı. 2009. Decomposition of question intonation: The structure of response seeking utterances. In Phonological Domains; Universals and Deviations. Interface Explorations, Janet Grijzenhout & Barış Kabak (eds), 249–286. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
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. 2001. The auxiliary verb at the morphology-syntax interface. In The Verb in Turkish [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 44], Eser Erguvanlı Taylan (ed.), 151–181. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.Google Scholar
. 1998. Linearity, focus and the postverbal position in Turkish. In The Mainz Meeting, Lars Johanson, Éva Ágnes Csató, Vanessa Locke & Astrid Menz (eds), 85–106. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.Google Scholar
Charette, Monik & Göksel, Aslı. 1998. Licensing constraints and vowel harmony in Turkic languages. In Structure and Interpretation: Studies in Phonology and Syntax, Eugeniusz Cyran (ed.), 65–88. Lublin: PASE Studies and Monographs.Google Scholar
. 1996. Vowel harmony and switching in Turkic languages. In A Festschrift for Edmund Gussmann, Eugeniusz Cyran (ed.), 31–52. Lublin: PASE Studies and Monographs.Google Scholar
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Göksel, Aslı. 1996. Passivisation in Turkish. In Current Issues in Turkish Linguistics, Bengisu Rona (ed.). Ankara: Hitit Yayinlari.Google Scholar
. 1995. Voice in Turkish. In Subject, Voice and Ergativity: Selected Essays, David C. Bennett, Theodora Bynon & B. George Hewitt (eds), 82–104. London: SOAS Publications.Google Scholar
. 1995. Review of Japonca ve Altay Dilleri (Japanese and Altaic Languages). In Turkish Area Study Group News, Talat Tekin (ed.), 8–9.Google Scholar
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. 1992. Case and configurationality. In SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, Vol. 2, Aslı Göksel & Elisabeth Parker (eds), 147–72.Google Scholar
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Göksel, Aslı. 1990. Causativity, verb incorporation and some problems. In SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics, Vol. 1, Aslı Göksel (ed.), 149–74.Google Scholar
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. 1987. Distance restrictions on syntactic processes. In Studies on Modern Turkish, Hendrik E. Boeschoten & Ludo T. Verhoeven (eds), 69–81. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.Google Scholar
Journal Articles
Taşçı, Süleyman Sabri & Göksel, Aslı. 2014. The morphological categorization of polymorphemic lexemes: A study based on lexicalized fingerspelled forms in TİD. In Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Special Issue in Honor of Prof. A. Sumru Özsoy, 165–180.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı, Kabak, Barış & Revithiadou, Anthi. 2013. Prosodically constrained non-local doubling. The Linguistic Review 30(2): 185–214. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Kelepir, Meltem. 2013. The bifurcation of the functions encoded by a single articulator: The HEAD in TİD questions. Sign Language & Linguistics 16(1): 1–31. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 2013. Free word order and anchors of the clause. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics 16: 3–25.Google Scholar
. 2010. Focus in words with truth values. Iberia 2(1): 89–112.Google Scholar
. 2009. Compounds in Turkish. Lingue e Linguaggio 2: 213–236.Google Scholar
. 2006. Pronominal participles in Turkish and Lexical Integrity. Lingue e Linguaggio IV(2).Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Özsoy, Ayşe Sumru. 2003. dA as a focus/topic associated clitic in Turkish. Lingua 113(11): 1143–1167. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 1997. Chomsky’ci kuramda biçimbirimler ve biçimbilimin yeri. Dilbilim Araştırmaları. Ankara: Kebikeç Yayınları.Google Scholar
Charette, Monik & Göksel, Aslı. 1997. Sesbilimde sınırlama kavramı ve ünlü uyumu (Vowel harmony and the notion of licensing in phonology). Dilbilim Araştırmaları. Ankara: Kebikeç Yayınları.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 1994. Review of argument structure by J. Grimshaw. Lingua 4: 101–105. Dordrecht: North-Holland. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
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Papers in Proceedings
Gürer, Aslı & Göksel, Aslı. In press. Ellipsis in Turkish: Methodological issues and forward gapping as a test case. To be published in Proceedings of ICTL, Çukurova University.
Göksel, Aslı. 2017. Review of Ankara papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics by Deniz Zeyrek, Çiğdem Sağın Şimşek, Ufuk Ataş, Jochen Rehbein. Mediterranean Language Review, 198–207. DOI logoGoogle Scholar
Göksel, Aslı, Hakgüder, Emre & Kelepir, Meltem. 2016. İşaret dillerinde karmaşık cümleleri belirlemek: Türk İşaret Dili (TİD) üzerine bir yöntem ve betimleme çalışması. In 29. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri, Bekir Savaş, Doğan Yüksel, Dilek Fidan, Balkız Öztürk & Banu İnan Karagül (eds), 163–170. Kocaeli: Kocaeli Üniversitesi.Google Scholar
Kunduracı, Aysun & Göksel, Aslı. 2016. Morphology, the base processor. In Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, University of Haifa, 7–10 September 2015.
Özsoy, Ayşe Sumru, Arık, Engin, Göksel, Aslı & Kelepir, Meltem. 2012. When established methods hit the sign: Methodological issues in documenting sign languages. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Language and Communication; Research Trends and Challenges (ISCL) , 395–394.
Göksel, Aslı, Kelepir, Meltem & Üntak-Tarhan, Aslı. 2010. Decomposing the non-manual tier: Cross-modality generalisations. In Proceedings of BLS-35, Special Session on Non-Speech Modalities, Iskoo Kwon, Hannah Pritchett & Justin Spence (eds), 1–11.Google Scholar
Bozşahin, Cem & Göksel, Aslı. 2008. Türkçe’de ezgi: Sözdizim ve edimle ilişkisi (Intonation in Turkish and its relation to syntax and pragmatics). In XXI. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Linguistics), Yeşim Aksan & Mustafa Aksan (eds), 305–308. Mersin: Mersin University Publications.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Haznedar, Belma. 2008. Türkçe tamlamaların yapısı: Bir veri tabanı çalışması (The structure of Turkish compounds: A database study). In XXI. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Linguistics), Yeşim Aksan & Mustafa Aksan (eds), 362–364. Mersin: Mersin University Publications.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı, Kelepir, Meltem & Üntak-Tarhan, Aslı. 2008. The morpho-syntactic implications of intonation as a clause-typer. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, Cedric Boeckx & Süleyman Ulutaş (eds), 39–50. Cambridge MA: MITWPL.Google Scholar
. 2008. Türkçe soru cümlelerinde ezgi (Question intonation in Turkish). In XXI. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Linguistics), Yeşim Aksan & Mustafa Aksan (eds), 309–316. Mersin: Mersin University Publications.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 2007. Morphology and syntax inside the word: Pronominal participles of headless relative clauses in Turkish. In Proceedings of the Fifth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Frejus, 47–72.
. 2003. Syntactic head or morphological buffer? The auxiliary verb in Turkish. In Studies in Turkish Linguistics; Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Ayşe Sumru Özsoy, Eser Taylan, Ayhan Aksu Koç, Didar Akar & Mine Nakipoğlu-Demiralp (eds), 49–57. Istanbul: Bogazici University Press.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Özsoy, Ayşe Sumru. 2000. Is there a focus position in Turkish? In Studies on Turkish and Turkic Languages; Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Aslı Göksel & Celia Kerslake (eds), 219–228. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 1998. Word length. In Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Geert Booij, Angela Ralli & Sergio Scalise (eds), 190–200. Patras: University of Patras Press.Google Scholar
. 1997. Morphological asymmetries between Turkish and Yakut. In Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Kamile İmer & Nadir Engin Uzun (eds), 69–76. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı & Tsiplakou, Stavroula. 1996. Linear domains: Variations between Greek and Turkish. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Greek Linguistics, 193–203. Thessaloniki: University of Thessaloniki Press.Google Scholar
Göksel, Aslı. 1989. Semantic properties of Turkish nominal compounds. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference on Greek Linguistics, 379–398. Thessaloniki: University of Thessaloniki Press.Google Scholar