Article In:
Sign Language & Linguistics: Online-First ArticlesThe indefinite-interrogative affinity in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)
This paper explores the morphology and the licensing conditions of a particular type of indefinite pronouns,
referred to as quex-indefinites, which are morphologically identical or closely related to question words. We present findings
from two studies investigating these forms in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). The first study is based on elicitation with three LSC
consultants, while the second is an online experiment which collected judgments from 50 deaf LSC signers. Our research reveals
that LSC quex-indefinites may be either identical to or resemble question words and identifies the semantic categories and
environments that allow them. Specifically, quex-indefinites in LSC are possible in the categories of person, quantity, cause, and
time. The licensing environments include polar questions, antecedents of conditionals, positive episodic sentences, and some modal
environments. This study provides the first description of quex-indefinites in a sign language, contributing to the understanding
of the affinity between indefinite and interrogative pronouns.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Quexistentials in spoken languages
- 2.1.1Cross-linguistic distribution
- 2.1.2Licensing conditions
- 2.2Quexistentials in sign languages
- 2.1Quexistentials in spoken languages
- 3.Study 1: Data elicitation
- 3.1Method
- 3.2Results
- 3.2.1Indefinite signs in LSC
- 3.2.2Quexistentials in LSC
- 3.2.3Licensing of quex-indefinites
- 3.2.4Manual and non-manual marking
- 3.3Summary
- 4.Study 2: Online experiment
- 4.1The quex-Statement condition
- 4.2Participants
- 4.3Materials and design
- 4.3.1Task 1
- 4.3.2Task 2
- 4.4Procedure
- 4.5Data availability
- 4.6Data treatment and analysis
- 4.7Results
- 4.7.1Task 1
- 4.7.2Task 2
- 4.7.3 quex-Statements in Tasks 1 and 2
- 4.8Summary
- 5.Discussion
- 5.1Licensing and disambiguation of bare quexistentials
- 5.2Asymmetric markedness relation
- 6.Conclusion
- Author contributions
- Acknowledgments
- Notes
This content is being prepared for publication; it may be subject to changes.
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