Chapter 9
Consecutive clause combinations in instructing activities
Directives and accounts in the context of physical training
This chapter investigates the formatting of instructions in physical training with personal trainers or physiotherapists.
Instructions occur in multimodal activities where invitations to action, compliances with them, and accounts for them emerge through
grammatical, prosodic and embodied resources. We identified a two-part pattern [directive & account] that accomplishes a complex
structural and pragmatic unit in trainers’ instructions. The instructions are grammatically formed of consecutive clause combinations
in which the directive part is a declarative or an imperative. These combinations emerge in interactive sequences and are a designed,
rather than a contingent feature in the making of instructions. Nevertheless, there is variation in their sequential emergence and
grammatical and prosodic composition, from tight packages to projected or expanded clause/action combinations.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Instruction as an interactionally emerging phenomenon
- 3.Data and collection
- 4.Overview of the instruction formats
- 5.Analysis of instruction sequences
- 5.1Preparatory instructions: Demonstration by trainer
- 5.2Preparatory instructions: Client involved in trainer’s demonstration
- 5.3Corrective instructions: Trainer intervenes in client’s performance
- 5.4Summary: On projection, expansion and prosody
- 6.Conclusion
Transcription symbols
Grammatical glosses
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Norrby, Catrin
Interaction and Variation in Pluricentric Languages - communicative patterns in Sweden Swedish and Finland Swedish
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