Chapter 1
Grammar in action
Social interaction as a basis for a comprehensive grammar?
In this chapter, we introduce the background for the studies in
this volume. We review the treatment of grammar in Conversation Analysis and
Interactional Linguistics and introduce the basic concepts in this
analytical approach. We then discuss how interactional perspectives may
relate to grammar writing, with examples from previous research and
implications for future studies. We conclude this introduction with an
overview of the chapters.
Article outline
- 1.What is a grammar?
- 1.1Different types of comprehensive grammars
- 1.2Towards an interactional grammar
- 1.3Inspiration from earlier grammars and other linguistic
- 2.The methodological foundations of the volume
- 3.Contributions from Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics to
grammar writing
- 3.1Interactional Linguistic contributions to grammar writing
- 3.2Central concepts in Interactional Linguistics concerning
- 4.This volume
- 4.1How the volume came into being
- 4.2The chapters of the volume
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