SubjectsLinguistics / Phonetics


La integración de la pronunciación en el aula de ELE: Integrating pronunciation in the Spanish language classroom

Editado por Zsuzsanna Bárkányi, M. Mar Galindo Merino y Aarón Pérez-Bernabeu

[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 42] 2024. vi, 312 pp. + index
Other subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Romance linguistics
Other subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Theoretical linguistics
Other subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Other subjects Language acquisition | Language teaching | Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Other subjects Cognition and language | Phonology | Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

25 years of Intelligibility, Comprehensibility and Accentedness

Edited by John M. Levis, Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro

Special issue of Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 6:3 (2020) vi, 234 pp.
Other subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Phonology

In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language: A corpus-driven approach

Edited by Shlomo Izre'el, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi and Tommaso Raso

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 94] 2020. xi, 440 pp.
Other subjects Corpus linguistics | Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Other subjects Contact Linguistics | Phonology | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Other subjects Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Topics in Theoretical Asian Linguistics: Studies in honor of John B. Whitman

Edited by Kunio Nishiyama, Hideki Kishimoto and Edith Aldridge

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 250] 2018. xx, 390 pp.
Other subjects Morphology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Sonic Signatures: Studies dedicated to John Harris

Edited by Geoff Lindsey and Andrew Nevins

[Language Faculty and Beyond, 14] 2017. x, 322 pp.
Other subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Other subjects Phonology | Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields

Edited by Meghan E. Armstrong, Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell

Other subjects Pragmatics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Linguistic Rhythm and Literacy

Edited by Jenny Thomson and Linda Jarmulowicz

[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 17] 2016. xiv, 286 pp.
Other subjects Language acquisition | Phonology | Theoretical linguistics | Writing and literacy
Other subjects Phonology | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

The Phonetics–Phonology Interface: Representations and methodologies

Edited by Joaquín Romero and María Riera

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 335] 2015. xxi, 288 pp.
Other subjects Phonology | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Phonological and Phonetic Considerations of Lexical Processing

Edited by Gonia Jarema and Gary Libben

[Benjamins Current Topics, 80] 2015. ix, 233 pp.
Other subjects Cognition and language | Phonology | Psycholinguistics | Semantics
Other subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Phonology
Other subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Above and Beyond the Segments: Experimental linguistics and phonetics

Edited by Johanneke Caspers, Yiya Chen, Willemijn Heeren, Jos Pacilly, Niels O. Schiller and Ellen van Zanten

[Not in series, 189] 2014. xii, 363 pp.
Other subjects Phonology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Advances in Sociophonetics

Edited by Chiara Celata and Silvia Calamai

[Studies in Language Variation, 15] 2014. vi, 214 pp.
Other subjects Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Other subjects Cognition and language | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Instrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics

Edited by Zeki Majeed Hassan and Barry Heselwood

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 319] 2011. xii, 365 pp.
Other subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Theoretical linguistics

Phonetics and Phonology: Interactions and interrelations

Edited by Marina Vigário, Sónia Frota and M. João Freitas

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 306] 2009. vi, 290 pp.
Other subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics

Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms: From language to metrics and beyond

Edited by Jean-Louis Aroui and Andy Arleo

[Language Faculty and Beyond, 2] 2009. xiv, 428 pp.
Other subjects Phonology | Theoretical linguistics

Athabaskan Prosody

Edited by Sharon Hargus and Keren Rice

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 269] 2005. xii, 432 pp.
Other subjects Languages of North America | Phonology
Other subjects Discourse studies | Generative linguistics | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Sound Patterns in Interaction: Cross-linguistic studies from conversation

Edited by Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen and Cecilia E. Ford

[Typological Studies in Language, 62] 2004. viii, 406 pp.
Other subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Other subjects Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics

The Phonological Spectrum: Volume I: Segmental structure

Edited by Jeroen van de Weijer, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 233] 2003. x, 306 pp.
Other subjects Phonology

The Phonological Spectrum: Volume II: Suprasegmental structure

Edited by Jeroen van de Weijer, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 234] 2003. x, 262 pp.
Other subjects Phonology

The Phonological Spectrum: 2 Volumes (set)

Edited by Jeroen van de Weijer, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 233-234] 2003. x, 308 pp. & x, 264 pp.
Other subjects Phonology
Other subjects English linguistics | Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Semantics | Syntax
Other subjects Cognitive linguistics | Cognitive psychology | Consciousness research
Other subjects Germanic linguistics | Phonology

Advances in Clinical Phonetics

Edited by Martin J. Ball and Martin Duckworth

Other subjects Language disorders & speech pathology
Other subjects History of linguistics

Sound Change

Edited by Marc Dominicy and Didier Demolin

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 9] 1994. 158 pp.
Other subjects Phonology
Other subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Functional linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics
Other subjects Applied linguistics

Phonological Reconstruction

Edited by Marc Dominicy and Juliette Dror

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 3] 1988. 183 pp.
Other subjects Historical linguistics | Phonology
Other subjects Comparative linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Romance linguistics
Other subjects Historical linguistics | Phonology | Sino-Tibetan languages
Other subjects Bibliographies in linguistics
Other subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics