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Philosophy / Semiotics
Realism and Individualism: Charles S. Peirce and the Threat of Modern Nominalism
Mateusz W. Oleksy
Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie
, 55] 2015. ix, 350 pp.
Other subjects
Peirce and Value Theory: On Peircian ethics and aesthetics
Edited by Herman Parret
Semiotic Crossroads
, 6] 1994. xiii, 381 pp.
Signs, Dialogue and Ideology
Augusto Ponzio
Critical Theory
, 11] 1993. xviii, 185 pp.
Signs, Science and Politics: Philosophies of language in Europe 1700–1830
Lia Formigari
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences
, 70] 1993. x, 218 pp.
Other subjects
History of linguistics
La Charpente modale du sens: Pour une sémio-linguistique morphogénétique et dynamique
Per Aage Brandt
Nouveaux Actes Sémiotiques
, 2] 1992. 370 pp.
Linguistics and Psychoanalysis: Freud, Saussure, Hjelmslev, Lacan and others
Michel Arrivé
Semiotic Crossroads
, 4] 1992. xvi, 178 pp.
Other subjects
Cognition and language
Cognitive linguistics
Cognitive psychology
Logical Semiotics & Mereology
Richard M. Martin
Foundations of Semiotics
, 16] 1992. xiii, 282 pp.
De betekenis als verhaal: Semiotische opstellen
Algirdas Julien Greimas
Semiotisch Perspectief
, 1] 1991. x, 245 pp.
The Empire of Signs: Semiotic essays on Japanese culture
Edited by Yoshihiko Ikegami
Foundations of Semiotics
, 8] 1991. xii, 333 pp.
Het semiotisch pragmatisme van Charles S. Peirce
Onder redactie van Hans van Driel
Semiotisch Perspectief
, 2] 1991. 139 pp.
Semiological Investigations, or Topics Pertaining to the General Theory of Signs: Reprint of the original Latin text Tentamina semiologica, si ve quaedam generalem theoriam signorum spectantia (1789)
Johann Cristoph Hoffbauer
Foundations of Semiotics
, 4] 1991. xxxi, 116 pp.
Sémiotique en jeu: A partir et autour de l'œuvre d'A.J. Greimas
Sous la direction de Michel Arrivé et Jean-Claude Coquet
Actes Sémiotiques
, 5] 1991. 334 pp.
Charles S. Peirce, 1839–1914: An intellectual biography
Gérard Deledalle
Not in series
, 42] 1990. xxxii, 92 pp.
Other subjects
History of linguistics
The Language of Psychotherapy
Rudolf Ekstein
Foundations of Semiotics
, 11] 1989. xviii, 336 pp.
Other subjects
Cognitive psychology
On the Medieval Theory of Signs
Edited by Umberto Eco and Costantino Marmo
Foundations of Semiotics
, 21] 1989. ix, 224 pp.
Other subjects
History of linguistics
Medieval linguistics
Medieval philosophy
Paris School Semiotics: Volume II: Practice
Edited by Paul Perron and Frank Collins
Semiotic Crossroads
, 3] 1989. xvi, 225 pp.
Le sublime du quotidien
Herman Parret
Actes Sémiotiques
, 6] 1988. 286 pp.
Charles S. Peirce's Method of Methods
Roberta Kevelson
Foundations of Semiotics
, 17] 1987. xiii, 180 pp.
Charles S. Peirce, phénoménologue et sémioticien
Gérard Deledalle
Foundations of Semiotics
, 14] 1987. ix, 114 pp.
Other subjects
History of linguistics
Grundzüge einer Psychologie des Zeichens (1901)
Richard Gätschenberger
Foundations of Semiotics
, 3] 1987. xv, 135 pp.
Other subjects
Cognitive psychology
Le savoir partagé: Sémiotique et théorie de la connaissance chez Marcel Proust
Jacques Fontanille
Actes Sémiotiques
, 4] 1987. 227 pp.
Leibniz. Language, Signs and Thought: A collection of essays
Marcelo Dascal †
Foundations of Semiotics
, 10] 1987. xi, 203 pp.
Bibliography of Semiotics, 1975–1985
Compiled by Achim Eschbach and Viktoria Eschbach-Szabó
Library and Information Sources in Linguistics
, 16] 1986. 948 pp. Bound in 2 vols.
Other subjects
Bibliographies in linguistics
Les Idéologues: Sémiotique, philosophie du langage et linguistique pendant la Révolution française. Proceedings of the Conference, held at Berlin, October 1983
Edited by Winfried Busse and Jürgen Trabant
Foundations of Semiotics
, 12] 1986. xvi, 404 pp.
Other subjects
History of linguistics
Charles S. Peirce and the Linguistic Sign
David A. Pharies
Foundations of Semiotics
, 9] 1985. vi, 118 pp.
Exigences et perspectives de la sémiotique: Recueil d'hommages pour A.J. Greimas. / Aims and Prospects of Semiotics. Essays in honor of A.J. Greimas
Sous la direction de Herman Parret et Hans-George Ruprecht
Not in series
, 23] 1985. lxxxv, 1066 pp.
Petites Mythologies de l'œil et de l'esprit: Pour une sémiotique plastique. (Eye on mind; a collection of short mythologies. Towards a theory of plastic semiotics)
Jean-Marie Floch
Actes Sémiotiques
, 1] 1985. 223 pp.
Significs and Language: With an introduction by H.W. Schmitz
H. Walter Schmitz
Foundations of Semiotics
, 5] 1985. (ii)cclxvii, 170 pp.
Sémiotique et philosophie. (Semiotics and Philosophy)
Georges Kalinowski
Actes Sémiotiques
, 3] 1985. 293 pp.
Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language
Umberto Eco
Not in series
, 16] 1984. xi, 242 pp.
Other subjects
'Studies in Logic' by Members of the Johns Hopkins University (1883)
Edited by Charles S. Peirce
Foundations of Semiotics
, 1] 1983. lviii, vii, 203 pp.
History of Semiotics
Edited by Achim Eschbach and Jürgen Trabant
Foundations of Semiotics
, 7] 1983. xvi, 386 pp.
Other subjects
Historical linguistics
Meaning and Reading: A philosophical essay on language and literature
Michel Meyer
Pragmatics & Beyond
, IV:3] 1983. ix, 176 pp.
Semiotics and Pragmatics: An evaluative comparison of conceptual frameworks
Herman Parret
Pragmatics & Beyond
, IV:7] 1983. xii, 136 pp.
Other subjects
What is Meaning?: Studies in the Development of Significance (1903)
Victoria Lady Welby
Foundations of Semiotics
, 2] 1983. xlii, xxxii, 321 pp.
Other subjects
Cognition and language
After Metaphysics: Toward a Grammar of Interaction and Discourse
Harvey B. Sarles
Studies in Semiotics
, 13] 1977. 286 pp.
Other subjects
Discourse studies
The Semiotics of the Russian Icon
Boris Uspenski
Not in series - Grüner
, 132] 1976. 101 pp.