Part of
Why Writing Matters: Issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy
Edited by Awena Carter, Theresa Lillis and Sue Parkin
[Studies in Written Language and Literacy 12] 2009
► pp. 4546
Cited by (3)

Cited by three other publications

Dou, Remy, Karina Bhutta, Monique Ross, Laird Kramer & Vishodana Thamotharan
2020. The Effects of Computer Science Stereotypes and Interest on Middle School Boys’ Career Intentions. ACM Transactions on Computing Education 20:3  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Beyer, Manuela
2016. Bisexual Identities among Women in Germany: A Sociological Approach toward Obstacles and Opportunities. Journal of Bisexuality 16:2  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Kimmons, Royce & George Veletsianos
2015. Teacher professionalization in the age of social networking sites. Learning, Media and Technology 40:4  pp. 480 ff. DOI logo

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