Article published In:
Target: Online-First ArticlesScholarly authors as self-translators
Tracing Hasan Hanafi’s philosophical back-and-forth translations
This paper examines traces of (self-)translation in the work of the Egyptian philosopher Hasan Hanafi (1935–2021),
whose academic career reflects the increasing globality of the academic field. The paper analyses Hanafi’s academic migration to
France to complete his doctorate, his self-translational efforts to adapt to the French academic tradition, and the influence of
his (physical and linguistic) migration on his later philosophical texts in Arabic. Hanafi was convinced that the ‘archaic’ Arabic
language alienated Muslims from their own heritage, and in his later philosophical texts he thus sought to renew the Arabic
language and to re-express fundamental concepts of the classical Islamic teachings. The concepts he aimed to re-express were
already translated into French in his doctoral thesis. This article addresses these terminological translations into French and
back into Arabic, and discusses the conceptual transformations that occurred on the way, inspired by Hanafi’s reading of Husserl
and the German Idealists.
Keywords: academic translation, philosophical translation, self-translation, Hasan Hanafi, academic migration, translation and terminology
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: A long-term perspective on language and translation in the modern academic system
- 2. Heritage and Renewal: The philosophical project of Hasan Hanafi
- 3.Following Hanafi’s path of academic migration: The ‘French decade’
- 4.Back and forth: Tracing terminological translations in Méthodes d’exégèse and Heritage and Renewal
- 5.Conclusion
- Notes
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
For any use beyond this license, please contact the publisher at [email protected].
Published online: 24 January 2025
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