Article published In:
Target: Online-First Articles(Self-)translation and migration
The political exile of Spanish scientists and scholars after the Civil War
Since the 1970s, the circumstances of the twentieth-century migration of exiled intellectuals and scientists from
Franco-era Spain to Mexico have aroused major interest in both Spain and Mexico (Fagen 1973; Abellán 1976–1978; VV.AA. 1982; VV.AA.
1987). The resulting studies shed light on the lives and careers of exiled Spanish scientists, many of whom went
unnoticed by researchers within Spain for decades because of censorship under Franco’s regime. This article focuses on one highly
representative example of an exiled Spanish scholar, Pere Bosch Gimpera (1891–1974), in order to illustrate not only the
importance of scientific migration and exile in this particular context, but also the role of inter- and intralingual translation
for these exiled scientists.
Keywords: cultural translation, self-translation, migration, Spanish scientific exile,
, Mexico, Pere Bosch Gimpera
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Spanish Republican exiles and scientific diaspora
- 3.Spanish scientists in Latin America: A study of a relevant scientific trajectory
- 4.Conclusion
- Notes
Published online: 24 January 2025
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