Article published In:
TargetVol. 12:1 (2000) ► pp.1–29
On Justification in Translation Studies
Some Comments and a Research Report
A descriptive analysis of translations, such as that outlined in
Toury (1995), is said to involve the establishment of translation relationships within coupled pairs of replacing and replaced textual segments. But how is one to assess the significance of particular kinds of segment for the entire text under analysis? The present article tackles this methodological issue and reports on a study designed to provide quantitative data to answer that question. For that purpose, an analysis was conducted of translations by Frederico Mueller, the first Brazilian translator of the writings of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy. This study may prove useful in highlighting the role of quantitative text analyses in Translation Studies.
Article outline
- 1.A Methodological Case in Point
- 2.Frederico Mueller’s modus operandi as a Translator
- 2.1.Rationale for the Study
- 2.2.Data Collection
- 2.3.Translating Philosophy?
- 2.3.1.Word Formation Processes
- 2.4.Challenging Details
- 2.5.To What and To Whom Was Mueller Loyal?
- 2.6.Mueller’s Translations in Wider Contexts
- 3.Concluding Remarks
- Notes
References (70)
1. Texts Used for Analysis
A. Translations by Frederico Mueller
Steiner, Rudolf. 1962. O Methodo scientifico de Goethe. Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1963. Philosophia e Anthroposophia. Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1964. A Philosophia da Liberdade. Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1966. A Sciencia occulta no Circumtraçado. Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1969. A Doutrina das Categorias de Hegel. Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1971a. O creador Mundo da Côr. Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1971b. O Wesen das Côres. Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1977a. Theosophia. 2.ed. (1.ed., 1942). Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1977b. A Educação da Creança do Ponto de Vista da Ciência d’Espírito. 2.ed. (1.ed., 1960). Rio de Janeiro.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1980. O Christianismo como Facto mystico e os Mysterios da Antiguidade. Rio de Janeiro.
B. Original Texts
Steiner, Rudolf. 1894. Die Philosophie der Freiheit. Berlin: Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag. (Available in electronic form by Lorenzo Ravagli at URL: [URL], 30.3.1997.)
Steiner, Rudolf. 1922. Theosophie: Einführung in übersinnliche Welterkenntnis und Menschenbestimmung. 20.ed. (1.ed., 1904; 9. rev. ed., 1918). Stuttgart: Der kommende Tag.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1930. Die Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss. 20.ed. Dornach: Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1979. Grundlinien einer Erkenntnistheorie der Goetheschen Weltanschauung; mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Schiller, zugleich eine Zugabe zu “Goethes Naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften” in Kürschners “Deutsche National-Litteratur”. 7.ed. (1.ed.: 1886). Dornach: ?. (Gesamtausgabe 2—available in electronic form at URL: [URL], 30.3.1997.)
2. Articles by Frederico Mueller
Mueller, Frederico. 1963. “A Arte de Traduzir”. Reprinted in the preface to Steiner 1963.
Mueller, Frederico. 1964a. “Traduzir sem Trahir”. I. Special issue, A Época Michael. Rio de Janeiro.
Mueller, Frederico. 1964b. “Traduzir sem Trahir”. II. Special issue, A Época Michael. Rio de Janeiro.
Mueller, Frederico. n.d. “Explicações terminologicas do traductor”. Rio de Janeiro.
Mueller, Frederico. 1980a. “Nomes”. Addition to A Época Michael, no. 901, p. 11. Rio de Janeiro.
Mueller, Frederico. 1980b. “Hegel-Steiner”. Addition to A Época Michael, no. 901, p. 12. Rio de Janeiro.
Mueller, Frederico. 1982. “Algo da Historia da Anthroposophia no Brasil—Etwas aus der Geschichte der Anthroposophie in Brasilien”. Rio de Janeiro.
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