Translation, a Tudor political instrument
Starting with an overview of F. O. Matthiessen’s work on the role of translation during the Elizabethan period, this article delves into the paratexts of the translations of Spanish colonial texts by Richard Hakluyt, Edward Grimeston, Michael Lok and John Frampton to discuss the underlying reasons why Spanish accounts of the conquest were rendered into English. The analysis of the dedications and addresses shows that, although these translations may have served to express admiration for the Spanish conquerors or to criticize their actions, the ultimate goals of these texts were to encourage England to replicate the Spanish empire in the Americas, on the one hand, and to obtain social, political and economic benefits for the translators, on the other.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Richard Hakluyt
- 3.Michael Lok’s Decades
- 4.Edward Grimeston’s The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies
- 5.John Frampton
- 6.Concluding discussion
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von der Fecht-Fernández, Sara & Alicia Rodríguez-Álvarez
The Role of Richard Hakluyt’s The Principall Nauigations (1589) in the Introduction and Dissemination of Spanish Loanwords in the English Language.
Neophilologus 108:1
► pp. 123 ff.

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