Article published In:
Target: Online-First ArticlesRenovation and revision
A case study of the translation-related actor network of the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum
The new millennium has witnessed a widening application of Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to the field of Translation
Studies, but the interface of ANT and Museum Translation Studies has so far remained underexplored. This article focuses on the
Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum as a case study. It attempts to construct the translation-related actor network involved in the
renovation of the museum in 2015 and the subsequent two rounds of revisions the bilingual guide scripts have undergone. It also
explores the bi-directional agential relations enabling the role change of main actors and the general development of the network.
This article argues that translation-related ANT analysis should deem translational relations as neither the center nor the end of
an actor network, and highlights the significance of nonhuman and non-translational actors in explaining the process of
translation production and revision in the context of Museum Studies.
Keywords: actor-network theory, museum translation, Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum, guide script, revision
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.An overview: Museums, ANT, and Translation Studies
- 2.1Museums and translation
- 2.2ANT and Museum/Translation Studies
- 2.3Two problems of ANT-informed Translation Studies
- 3.The Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum and its renovation in 2015
- 4.Two rounds of revision and the role changes of actors
- 4.1Materials: Interviews and guide scripts
- 4.2The lengthening of translation: From C1/E1 to C2/E2
- 4.3The shortening of translation: From E2 to E3
- 5.Conclusion: The complete actor network of SJRM
- Acknowledgements
- Conflict of interest statement
Published online: 17 December 2024
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