Christiane Nord | Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen der Universität Heidelberg
Within the framework of the functionalist or "scopos" theory, the (intended) scope or function of the target text is the most important criterion for the translator's decisions. However, this is a general theory of translation, which is not concerned with the culture-specific conventions valid in a particular culture. Since conventions determine what readers expect of a translation, the translator has the responsibility not to deceive the users of his translation by acting contrary to the conventions without telling them what he is doing, and why. This responsibility is what I will refer to as loyalty. Loyalty is a moral principle guiding the relationships between human beings.
Article outline
1.Scopos Theory: Functionality Is the Aim
2.Loyalty: The Responsibility of the Translator
3.Translational Conventions: What Does the Reader Expect?
3.1.General Considerations: The Concept of Convention
3.2.Conventions in Translation: Translation as a Communication Activity
3.3.Conventions for Translation: What a Translation is Expected To Be Like
3.4.The General Concept of Translation: How To Find Out About Conventions
(a) Analysis of existing translations
(b) Translation criticism
(c) Theoretical statements
(d) Input from users
(e) Multilingual comparison of translations
4.Conventions and Functionalism in Translation Teaching
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