This chapter provides an in-depth discussion of the theory, research, and practice of individual
difference (ID) factors in task-based language teaching (TBLT). It starts with an overview of the scope and taxonomy
of IDs in second language learning, followed by a discussion of the theoretical models that provide insights into IDs’
roles in TBLT. It then introduces an organizing framework covering: (a) the nature of task IDs, (b) the utility of
implicit IDs in TBLT, (c) the dynamicity of task IDs, (d) the expanded scope of task IDs, and (e) the importance of
research on ID-treatment interaction. Subsequently, the chapter shifts its focus to the research on IDs in TBLT,
including methods, perspectives, and empirical evidence on major ID factors – emotions (anxiety and enjoyment),
language aptitude, motivation, and working memory. Based on the research findings, recommendations are made on ways to
apply research findings to pedagogy from five perspectives: changing ID propensities, adapting instruction to mitigate
or cancel ID effects, matching ID profile and instruction type, using hybrid instruction, and providing choice. The
chapter concludes by providing an overview of the significance and contributions of this volume and highlighting
prominent findings of the included chapters.
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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