This final chapter builds on issues which have been discussed implicitly or explicitly within the volume. I address five themes: research methodology; contextual adaptations; TBLT in Chinese contexts; assessment; and teacher education. I conclude by speculating on some possible future directions for TBLT and some avenues for further research.
2024. Investigating EFL oral production in a technology mediated TBLT context. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning 4:2 ► pp. 271 ff.
Aljasir, Nouf
2024. Implementing Task-Based Language Teaching in Saudi EFL Classrooms. International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development 7:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Liu, Yuying & Wei Ren
2024. Task-based language teaching in a local EFL context: Chinese university teachers’ beliefs and practices. Language Teaching Research 28:6 ► pp. 2234 ff.
Ci, Fengrui
2023. A Cases Study of the Application of TBLT in English Teaching in Chinese Secondary Schools. In Proceedings of the 2022 2nd International Conference on Modern Educational Technology and Social Sciences (ICMETSS 2022), ► pp. 555 ff.
Kessler, Matt, Shawn Loewen & Daniel Trego
2023. Synchronous VCMC with TalkAbroad: Exploring noticing, transcription, and learner perceptions in Spanish foreign-language pedagogy. Language Teaching Research 27:3 ► pp. 642 ff.
East, Martin
2022. Mediating Innovation through Language Teacher Education,
Wang, Yi-Chien
2022. Implementing Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching in an EFL Writing Course. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 12:2 ► pp. 1 ff.
Lindenberg, Dennis
2021. The effect of task constraints on idea generation in creative word-formation group work for beginner-level German learners. System 103 ► pp. 102635 ff.
2021. The effects of the timing of form-focused instruction on EFL learners’ learning of difficult and easy grammatical features: A comparative study. System 101 ► pp. 102612 ff.
Bryfonski, Lara & Todd H. McKay
2019. TBLT implementation and evaluation: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research 23:5 ► pp. 603 ff.
Han, ZhaoHong
2018. Task-Based Learning in Task-Based Teaching: Training Teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 38 ► pp. 162 ff.
2017. Contextualization and authenticity in TBLT: Voices from Chinese classrooms. Language Teaching Research 21:4 ► pp. 517 ff.
Kim, Youjin, Yeonjoo Jung & Nicole Tracy‐Ventura
2017. Implementation of a Localized Task‐Based Course in an EFL Context: A Study of Students’ Evolving Perceptions. TESOL Quarterly 51:3 ► pp. 632 ff.
Zhu, Yan & Dingfang Shu
2017. The Haitong Project: Exploring a collaborative approach to implement TBLT in primary classrooms in China. Language Teaching 50:4 ► pp. 579 ff.
Brandl, Klaus
2016. Task-Based Instruction and Teacher Training. In Second and Foreign Language Education, ► pp. 1 ff.
Brandl, Klaus
2017. Task-Based Instruction and Teacher Training. In Second and Foreign Language Education, ► pp. 425 ff.
Erlam, Rosemary
2016. ‘I’m still not sure what a task is’: Teachers designing language tasks. Language Teaching Research 20:3 ► pp. 279 ff.
Van den Branden, Kris
2016. The Role of Teachers in Task-Based Language Education. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 36 ► pp. 164 ff.
Frear, Mark Wain & John Bitchener
2015. The effects of cognitive task complexity on writing complexity. Journal of Second Language Writing 30 ► pp. 45 ff.
Ruiz-Funes, Marcela
2015. Exploring the potential of second/foreign language writing for language learning: The effects of task factors and learner variables. Journal of Second Language Writing 28 ► pp. 1 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 30 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.