In this introduction we provide an overview of the intended contribution of the volume to TBLT theory and research. It starts from the perspective that TBLT-oriented theoretical framing and explicitly theorized empirical research endeavours have, in general, taken oral communication as their main focus. This focus has prevented the construct of ‘task’ from attaining the kind of status that it deserves in the field of applied language studies. Based on that belief, this introductory chapter positions the contributions in the volume as showcasing diverse facets of the complex phenomenon of writing. It foreshadows how including a focus on L2 writing might influence theory and research into TBLT and, beyond that, contribute to fostering language development in a TBLT environment. Concluding with a synthesis of the volume’s individual contributions, the chapter creates an encompassing context for the diverse treatments of task and writing offered in the volume’s individual studies.
Adams, R (.2006). L2 tasks and orientation to form: A role for modality?ITL: International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 152, 7–34.
Adams, R., & Ross-Feldman, L. (2008). Does writing influence learner attention to form? In D. Belcher & A. Hirvela (Eds.), The oral-literate connection (pp. 243–266). Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.
Alegría de la Colina, A., & García Mayo, M.P. (2007). Attention to form across collaborative tasks by low-proficiency learners in an EFL setting. In M.P. García Mayo (Ed.), Investigating tasks in foreign language learning (pp. 91–116). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Benati, A. (2005). The effects of processing instruction, traditional instruction and meaning-output instruction on the acquisition of the English past simple tense. Language Teaching Research, 9, 67–93.
Bereiter, C., & Scardamalia, M. (1987). The psychology of written composition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Biber, D., Gray, B., & Kornwipa Poonpon, K. (2011). Should we use characteristics of conversation to measure grammatical complexity in L2 writing development?TESOL Quarterly, 45, 5–35.
Bitchener, J. (2012). A reflection on ‘the language learning potential’ of written CF. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21, 348–363.
Breen, M. (1987/2009). Learner contributions to task design. In K. Van den Branden, M. Bygate, & J.M. Norris (Eds.), Task-based language teaching: A reader (pp. 333–356). Amsterdam: John Benjamins..
Byrnes, H. (2012). Conceptualizing FL writing development in collegiate settings: A systemic functional linguistic approach. In R.M. Manchón (Ed.), L2 writing development: Multiple perspectives (pp. 191–219). Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Byrnes, H. (2013a). Positioning writing as meaning-making in writing research: An introduction. Journal of Second Language Writing, 22, 95–106.
Byrnes, H. (Guest Ed.) (2013b). Writing as meaning-making – Teaching to mean. Special issue of the Journal of Second Language Writing, 22(2).
Byrnes, H., Maxim, H.H., & Norris, J.M. (2010). Realizing advanced foreign language writing development in collegiate education: Curricular design, pedagogy, assessment. Modern Language Journal, 94(Supplement s-1).
Cook, V. (2009). Developing links between second language acquisition research and language teaching. In K. Knapp & B. Seidlhofer (Eds.), The handbook of foreign language communication and learning (pp. 139–161). Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Cumming, A. (1990). Metalinguistic and ideational thinking in second language composing. Written Communication, 7, 482–511.
Cumming, A. (2013). Writing development in second language acquisition. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Dörnyei, Z. (2009). The L2 motivational self system. In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, language identity and the L2 self (pp. 9–42). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Ellis, R. (2012). Language teaching research and language pedagogy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ellis, R., & Yuan, F. (2004). The effects of planning on fluency, complexity and accuracy in second language narrative writing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26, 59–84.
Fortune, A., & Thorp, D. (2001). Knotted and entangled: New light on the identification, classification and value of language related episodes in collaborative output tasks. Language Awareness, 10, 143–160.
García Mayo, M.P. (2002a). The effectiveness of two form-focused tasks in advanced EFL pedagogy. InJAL, 12, 156–175.
García Mayo, M.P. (2002b). Interaction in advanced EFL pedagogy: A comparison of form-focused activities. International Journal of Educational Research, 37, 323–341.
Gilabert, R., Baron, J., & Llanes, A. (2009). Manipulating cognitive complexity across task types and its impact on learners' interaction during oral performance. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Teaching, 47, 367–395.
Heath, S.B. (1991). The sense of being literate: Historical and cross-cultural features. In R. Barr, M. Kamil, P.B. Mosenthal, & P.D. Pearson (Eds.), Handbook of reading research (Vol. II) (pp. 3–25). New York: Longman.
Izumi, S. (2002). Output, input enhancement, and the noticing hypothesis: An experimental study of ESL relativization. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 24, 541–577.
Izumi, S., & Bigelow, M. (2000). Does output promote noticing and second language acquisition?TESOL Quarterly, 34, 239–278.
Izumi, S., Bigelow, M., Fujiwara, M., & Fearnow, S. (1999). Testing the output hypothesis: Effects of output on noticing and second language acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21, 421–452.
Kormos, J. (2011). Task complexity and linguistic and discourse features of narrative writing performance. Journal of Second Language Writing, 20, 215–240.
Kormos, J., & Trebits, A. (2012). The role of task complexity, modality and aptitude in narrative task performance. Language Learning, 62, 439–472.
Kuiken, F., & Vedder, I. (2002a). The effect of interaction in acquiring the grammar of a second language. International Journal of Educational Research, 37, 343–358.
Kuiken, F., & Vedder, I. (2002b). Collaborative writing in L2: The effect of group interaction on text quality. In S. Ransdell & M. Barbier (Eds.), New directions for research in L2 writing (pp. 169–188). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Kuiken, F., & Vedder, I. (2007). Task complexity and measures of linguistic performance in L2 writing. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 45, 261–284.
Kuiken, F., & Vedder, I. (2011). Task performance in L2 writing and speaking: The effect of mode. In P. Robinson (Ed.), Second language task complexity: Researching the Cognition Hypothesis of language learning and performance (pp. 91–104). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kuiken, F., & Vedder, I. (2012a). Speaking and writing tasks and their effects on second language performance. In S. Gass & A. Mackey (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 364–377). London: Routledge.
Lynch, T., & McLean, J. (2000). Exploring the benefits of task repetition and recycling for classroom language learning. Language Teaching Research, 4, 221-250
Lynch, T., & McLean, J. (2001). ”A case of exercising”: effects of immediate task repetition on learner’s performance. In M. Bygate, P. Skehan, & M. Swain (Eds.), Researching pedagogic tasks: Second language learning, teaching and testing (pp. 141-162). London: Longman
Manchón, R.M. (2013). Writing. In F. Grosjean & Li Ping (Eds.), The psycholinguistics of bilingualism (pp. 100–115). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Manchón, R.M. (2014). Learning and teaching writing in the FL classroom: Fostering writing-to-learn approaches. In P. Driscoll, E. Macaro, & A. Swarbrick (Eds.), Debates in modern language education (pp. 96–107). London: Routledge.
Manchón, R.M., & Roca de Larios, J. (2007). Writing-to-learn in instructed language learning contexts. In E.A. Soler & M.P.S. Jordá (Eds.), Intercultural language use and language learning (pp. 101–121). Berlin: Springer.
Manchón, R.M., Roca de Larios, J., & Murphy, L. (2009). The temporal dimension and problem-solving nature of foreign language composing processes. Implications for theory. In R.M. Manchón (Ed.), Writing in foreign language contexts: Learning, teaching, and research (pp. 102–124). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
McCaffery, J., Merrifield, J., & Millican, J. (2007). Developing adult literacy: Approaches to planning, implementing, and delivering literacy initiatives. Oxford, UK: Oxfam GB.
Mohan, B.A. (2001). The second language as a medium of learning. In B.A. Mohan, C. Leung, & C. Davison (Eds.), English as a second language in the mainstream: Teaching, learning and identity (pp. 107–126). New York: Longman.
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Niu, R. (2009). Effect of task-inherent production modes on EFL learners’ focus on form. Language Awareness, 18, 384–402.
Norris, J.M. (2002). Interpretations, intended uses, and designs in task-based assessment: Introduction to the special issue. Language Testing, 19, 337–346.
Norris, J.M., & Manchón, R.M. (2012). Investigating L2 writing development from multiple perspectives: Issues in theory and research. In R.M. Manchón (Ed.), L2 writing development: Multiple perspectives (pp. 221–244). Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Norris, J.M., & Ortega, L. (2009). Towards an organic approach to investigating CAF in instructed SLA: The case of complexity. Applied Linguistics, 30, 555–578.
Norris, J.M., & Pfeiffer, P.C. (2003). Exploring the use and usefulness of ACTFL oral proficiency ratings and standards in college foreign language departments. Foreign Language Annals, 36, 572–581.
Ong, J., & Zhang, L.J. (2010). Effects of task complexity on the fluency and lexical complexity in EFL students’ argumentative writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 19, 219–233.
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Ortega, L. (1999). Planning and focus on form in L2 oral performance. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21, 109–148.
Ortega, L. (2012a). Epilogue: Exploring L2 writing–SLA interfaces. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21, 404–415.
Ortega, L. (2012b). Interlanguage complexity: A construct in search of theoretical renewal. In B. Szmrecsanyi & B. Kortmann (Eds.), Linguistic complexity: Second language acquisition, indigenization, contact (pp. 127–155). Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Polio, C. (2012). The relevance of second language acquisition theory to the written error correction debate. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21, 375–389.
Qin, J. (2008). The effects of processing instruction and dictogloss tasks on the acquisition of the English passive voice. Language Teaching Research, 12, 61–82.
Revesz, A. (2011). Task complexity, focus on L2 constructions, and individual differences: A classroom-based study. Modern Language Journal, 95(s1), 162–181.
Rijlaarsdam, G., Janssen, T., Braaksma, M., Van Steendam, E., Van den Branden, K., Couzijn, M., & Verheyden, L. (2013). Learning and instruction in writing. In C.A. Stone, E.R. Silliman, B.J. Ehren, & G.P. Wallach (Eds.), Handbook of language and literacy (pp. 545–566). New York: Guilford Press.
Robinson, P. (2001a). Task complexity, cognitive resources, and syllabus design: A triadic framework for examining task influences on SLA. In P. Robinson (Ed.), Cognition and second language instruction (pp. 287–318). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Robinson, P. (2001b). Task complexity, task difficult, and task production: Exploring interactions in a componential framework. Applied Linguistics, 22, 27–57.
Robinson, P. (2003). The Cognition Hypothesis of adult, task-based language learning. Second Language Studies, 21, 45–107.
Robinson, P. (2005). Cognitive complexity and task sequencing: Studies in a componential framework for second language task design. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 43, 1–32.
Robinson, P. (2011c). Task-based learning: A review of issues. Language Learning, 61(Supplement 1), 1–36.
Robinson, P., & Gilabert, R. (2013). Task-based learning: Cognitive underpinnings. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. .
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Ryshina-Pankova, M., & Byrnes, H. (2013). Writing as learning to know: Tracing knowledge construction in L2 German compositions. Journal of Second Language Writing, 22, 179–197.
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Slimani-Rolls, A. (2005). Rethinking task-based language learning: What we can learn from the learners. Language Teaching Research, 9, 195–218.
Shintani, N. (2012). Input-based tasks and the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar: A process–product study. Language Teaching Research, 16, 253–279.
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Skehan, P., & Foster, P. (1999). The influence of task structure and processing conditions on narrative retellings. Language Leaning, 49, 93–120.
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Verspoor, M., Schmid, M.S., & Xu, X. (2012). A dynamic usage based perspective on L2 writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21, 239–263.
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Yuan, F., & Ellis, R. (2003). The effects of pre-task planning and online planning on fluency, complexity and accuracy in L2 oral production. Applied Linguistics, 24, 1–27.
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