Thematic section
The negotiation of meaning in dialogue interpreting
On the effects of the verbalization of interpreters’ inferences
The objective of this study is to contribute to a better
understanding of the negotiation of meaning between the participants of a
bilingual interpreter-mediated interaction by analysing the effects of the
verbalization of the inferences by the interpreter. The conceptual tools of
Relevance Theory were applied to three interpreted excerpts of Russian-French
psychotherapeutic interactions. The results suggest that, by verbalizing
inferences, the interpreter co-creates a shared cognitive environment,
reinforces intra- and inter-discursive coherence, diminishes the cognitive
efforts of the recipient, and encourages primary parties to cooperate. The
analysis of the cognitive processes at work in the excerpts tends to show that
what has so far been treated as the interpreter’s “additions” or “expanded
renditions” enables the latter to exercise cooperative coordination of
interaction, and could therefore be more precisely called collaborative
Article outline
- 1.Objective of the study
- 2.The Relevance Theory framework
- 3.Analysis: Inferential processes and negotiation of meaning
- 3.1Presentation of discursive data
- 3.2
Excerpt I (EnTh5 / 39: 24–40: 36)
- 3.3
Excerpt II (EnTh4–11: 12–16: 47)
- 3.4
Excerpt III (EnTh7 / 39: 25–48: 50)
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusion
- Notes
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