Contextualising translation expertise
Lived practice and social construction
Translation expertise has been discussed intensely in (cognitive) translation studies. Most research has been
conducted in laboratory settings, attempting to discern the differences between experienced translators (‘experts’) and lesser
experienced translators. This has resulted in valuable, yet limited insights. We argue for the need to complement the picture with
a broader perspective on translation expertise and to further investigate it in its authentic dynamic contexts, be they workplaces
or other fields of practice. This implies seeing expertise as situated and performative, emerging from the interaction of social
actors with their social and material environments. Emphasis is placed on the social, discursive construction of expertise and on
the emic perspectives of the community being studied.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.What makes a good translator? Translation expertise in the lab
- 3.From the lab to the field: Expertise research in authentic contexts
- 4.Another dimension of context: Expertise as a social construction
- 5.Conclusion: Researching lived expertise in context
- 5.1Seeing lived expertise as expertise in context
- 5.2Being open to new perspectives
- 5.3Addressing new questions and revisiting old questions from new perspectives
- Notes