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Vol. 28:1 (2022) ► pp.3764
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2024. A hint of the summery goodness of green grass: a look at English descriptors in tasting notes. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 19  pp. 84 ff. DOI logo
Sanz-Valdivieso, Lucía & Belén López Arroyo
2024. Figurative Language and Sensory Perception: Corpus-Based Computer-Assisted Study of the Nature and Motivation of Synesthetic Metaphors in Olive Oil Tasting Notes. Metaphor and Symbol 39:4  pp. 260 ff. DOI logo
Moreno-Pérez, Leticia & Belén López-Arroyo
2023. Wine and translation: an analysis of phraseological units in English and Spanish wine technical sheets. Perspectives  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo

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