Absolutely Fabulous
Satire, the Body, and the Female Grotesque
In this chapter I trace the concept of the satirical grotesque in Absolutely
Fabulous. I show how the female body as a materialization of the grotesque in
Absolutely Fabulous relates to the power of satire as an instrument of defacement
and attack. Absolutely Fabulous is a comically revised sitcom, in its almost
women-only cast and its subversion of gender roles. As ridicule of glamour,
fashion, and design, one of the main issues in the series is consumption and
dieting, incontinence and discipline. I analyze how the satirical grotesque manifests
itself in the two protagonists of the show, Edina and Patsy, in between these
somatic extremes of incontinence and discipline. More specifically, I show how
the satirical grotesque works in Absolutely Fabulous as a disruption of carefully
designed images of smooth and firm bodiliness in our culture: a disruption of
the real.